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Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2019

How to Work More Mindfully

Being mindful means you are aware of what happens inside of you and around you. It means that you are present with your body, thoughts, and emotions.[1] Practicing mindfulness during work can easily fit into your day and often only requires a few minutes. If work feels monotonous or like you get lost in the details, it may be time to incorporate some mindfulness into your day.

Part 1 - Using Mindfulness Practices Throughout Your Day


→ Breathe. Breathing is at the core of mindfulness practice. It’s an easy, free, and always available tool to return to the present moment. Practice mindful breathing by focusing your attention to your breath by counting the number of inhales and exhales you take. Counting your breath helps you to stay present and not be distracted.

→ Use mindful breathing when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or overcome by intense emotions.

→ Try using an app to help you breathe in a steady rhythm, such as the MyCalmBeat app.

Take a walk

→ Take a walk. Get some time away from your desk and co-workers, especially if you’re feeling tense or stressed. Instead of walking as a function to get somewhere, practice walking by connecting to each step. Focus on how your body feels in movement and what muscles are activated throughout each step. Stay present in observing your movements.

→ Adding movement to your mindfulness practice can help you connect with your body and stay present with how it functions.

Tune into your sensations

→ Tune into your sensations. Practice regularly tuning into your body. After you send an email, notice how your body feels in your chair. What muscles are activated, what parts of your body are making the most contact? Are you hot, cold, or neutral in temperature? What’s your posture like?

→ Practice tuning into your senses as often as you can. For example, as you eat your lunch, notice how it tastes and smells, and what it feels like to have a fork in your hand. When you wash your hands, notice the temperature of the water and how it feels on your skin.

Do one task at a time

→ Do one task at a time. If you’re having an especially busy day and feel overwhelmed by the amount of work to do, take a mindful approach. While many people pride themselves in their multitasking abilities, aim to do one task at a time as a mindfulness practice. When working, minimize your distractions and attend to one task alone. You’ll actually be more productive this way than by multitasking.

→ For example, if you’re in the middle of writing a report, but suddenly remember you need to send some emails, write a note to remind yourself and stay with your first task. Once you complete it, move on to the emails.

Give your full attention

→ Give your full attention. When someone is speaking, give your full attention to listening. Whether it’s a presentation at a meeting or a co-worker explaining something to you, focus your attention on fully listening without distraction or interruptions. Relate to your co-workers mindfully. Give them your full attention without letting your mind wander or trying to come up with a response. Notice yourself and those around you, paying attention to how you feel and what the person is saying both verbally and nonverbally.

→ This kind of mindfulness practice can help you tune out distractions, improve your attention and help with memory.

Work humbly

→ Work humbly. Humility helps people be successful, work well with others, and not feel superior to those you work with. Having a humble attitude toward work can help you maintain a clear perspective of your role and the roles of others. Practice humility by being grateful, accepting yourself as you are, and listening and learning from others.

→ If someone challenges you, don’t fire back with judgment or criticism. Value the person’s perspective or opinion by withholding judgment and considering what benefits he or she may be pointing out.

Part 2 - Finding Time to Use Mindfulness

Practice mindfulness upon waking

→ Practice mindfulness upon waking. Long before you start your work, do mindfulness first thing in the morning. When you first wake up, don’t reach for your phone, go back to sleep, or start going through your list of to-dos for the day. Instead, practice a mindfulness exercise such as deep breathing. This will help set the tone for the day. By practicing mindfulness first thing when you wake up, you can help remind yourself to stay mindful throughout the day.

→ Don’t allow thoughts or expectations of the day to creep into your mind. If you start to get distracted, gently bring yourself back to the moment.

Start your workday mindfully

→ Start your workday mindfully. If walking into work stresses you out, start your day off with some mindfulness. You may be bombarded with emails, tasks, or questions from co-workers, but tune it out for a few moments and tune into yourself. Take 5-10 minutes at your desk (or in your car) and focus on your breath. Close your eyes and count each exhale. If your mind starts to wander, release the distraction and come back to your breath.

→ By starting your day with mindfulness, you can begin your workday with more ease and focus instead of hectic chaos.

Set some reminders

→ Set some reminders. Pair certain sounds, times, or events with being mindful. For example, every time you are notified of a new email, remind yourself to take a deep breath. Or, place a photo on your desk and each time you look at it, remind yourself to stay present. Having reminders at your workplace can help you stay mindful throughout your day.

→ Set an alarm on your phone every few hours to remind you to take a deep breath and focus on your work mindfully. Take a few moments to reset and approach your work in a mindful manner.

Be creative in what can be mindful

→ Be creative in what can be mindful. Apply your mindfulness techniques to even the most mundane tasks throughout your day. For example, mindfully pick up your pen, dial a phone number, or sharpen a pencil. Any task can be done with mindfulness, even waiting in a waiting room!

→ Give your full attention to whatever task is at hand. Observe yourself performing these tasks. For example, say in your head, “I am picking up my mug. I am drinking coffee. I am placing my mug on my desk.”

Part 3 - Working Through Difficult Days

Recognize fleeting emotions

→ Recognize fleeting emotions. You may endure a difficult meeting or unpleasant run-in with a co-worker. Instead of dwelling on the bad feelings, remind yourself that negative emotions come and go and they do not define you. If you often let a pesky co-worker ruin your day, this is a great practice to free you from your negative thought patterns.

→ If the copy machine breaks again or someone ate your lunch and it’s affecting your thoughts or emotions, say to yourself, “I’m upset or frustrated right now, but I know the feeling will pass. I can move on with my day and be okay.”

Accept that some things cannot change

→ Accept that some things cannot change. Acceptance is a core principle of mindfulness. Find ways to accept each moment as it is without judging it or wanting it to be different. A lack of acceptance can lead to denial, avoidance, and aggression. Instead, learn to accept situations quickly, learn from mistakes, and move on.

→ For example, if you miscalculate your expenses and your budget report is off, don’t try to cover it up or pretend it didn’t happen. The mistake has already been made and there’s no going back. Acknowledge your mistake, talk to anyone who may be involved, learn from the experience, and move on. No need to dwell on it.

Take a break

→ Take a break. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just needing some time away from your work, take a short break and practice a mindfulness exercise. This can help you focus on the present moment and get away from stress and anxiety. You may want to briefly leave your office or desk.

→ Take a mindful minute: time one minute and count the number of breaths you take during this time. Do this before a big meeting to help keep your calm.

→ Try the raisin exercise: take a raisin (or other food) and slowly use all of your senses to observe it in detail. See how it feels to touch it and notice the texture, see what it looks like from near and far, notice the smells and how your body reacts to the scent, and lastly, put it in your mouth and savor the flavor.

Find positive outcomes

→ Find positive outcomes. You may worry that your project won’t be well-received or that you didn’t prepare enough for the meeting. Even if you’re having a horrible day, find something that is going well for you. That way you can increase your gratitude and positive thoughts to help you find the silver lining.

→ Try using a gratitude app or record three things that you are grateful for in a journal every day.

→ By finding things you can be grateful for, you can increase your ability to find things to be grateful for in the future and not dwell on negative events or situations.

→ For example, you may feel flustered that you will be late to work and will be late to a meeting. In this moment, be grateful that you have transportation and for a way to contact your work to let them know you will be late.

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