If you want to know how to inform your child about the dangers and risks of eating disorders, and to help prevent them from developing such a disorder, you'll find helpful advice here. Eating disorders are one of the most dangerous mental illnesses amongst teens and it is very important to make sure that you and your children understand what eating disorders are all about.

→ Make sure your child is mature enough to handle this topic of conversation. While you may want your children to be informed about this challenging topic at an early age, if your child isn't mature enough to comprehend what is happening and why, then wait a bit. The ideal age is around 10 to 13 years old, just when your child is starting to become more self aware and more self conscious.

→ Sit down with your child in a comfortable place where you'll both find it easy to talk. Let your child know that you'd like to have an important conversation about what eating disorders are. Your child may be confused or concerned at first but tell them that it will only take a few minutes. Start off simple by asking your child questions such as: Do they know what anorexia/bulimia is? Do they know anyone who shows signs of having an eating disorder?

→ Explain an eating disorder. After your child answers your questions tell your child what an eating disorder is or make any corrections if needed, to ensure that your child has an accurate understanding. Tell the child in the most simplest way possible. If you start using a bunch of big words and medical terms, your child may become confused or totally detach from the conversation.

→ Emphasize the risks that eating disorders pose on any person. For example, such consequences as thinning hair, slowing of the metabolism, dry skin, red patches, bad teeth, and so forth. Making your child aware of the (unpleasant) dangers that come with having an eating disorder, will help your child to understand how grave the consequences are and it will also help your child to spot the symptoms in someone else, potentially enabling them to help another person.

→ Explain to your child that an eating disorder has almost nothing to do with body image. While most people with an eating disorder want to be skinny, the reality is that eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia are actually mental illnesses. They are often associated with something called body dysmorphia, whereby someone looks into the mirror and doesn't see what everyone else sees (if they're really skinny in real life, they might see a disfigured or overweight person in the mirror).
→ Try to have a calm tone of voice while talking to your child about serious issues like this. This will help them to feel more comfortable talking to you and asking questions.
→ Try to emphasize the fact that being skinny and being healthy are two totally different things, and that their health should always be number one priority.
→ Try to lighten the mood after the conversation by taking them out for an ice cream or watching a movie with them. You want your child to feel safe and comfortable after having a serious conversation with them, especially if they're young.
→ Do not threaten your child with things such as "if I ever find out you have an eating disorder, you'll be grounded for life" or "Don't ever develop an eating disorder". Eating disorders are a mental illness. Moreover, if you say these things to a child, they might be less open to you about their problems.
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