When you've saved up for ages and have finally gone on your long-wished for overseas trip, what do you do when news from home is not good and your family hints they'd like you back? It's not an easy call and there is lots to consider when reaching your answer. This article will help you get started in the thinking-sorting process.

→ Listen to your initial reactions. Is your immediate thought "I have to go back!"? Or is it, "This is awful but I know X will cope with all the family/friend support."? Your initial reaction will be an important indicator in reaching your final decision.

→ Consider whether it is best to establish frequent contact for updates first. Unless it's a matter of life and death, you might want to see how the crisis pans out before really facing the decision. This might necessitate staying put to be near email or phone access, or it might mean that you just have to travel with the need to stay in touch in mind.

→ Ask your family or friends what they want. If it is someone very close to you, such as your parents, ask for their advice and recommendations. Ask them if they want you to come home. Even if they say no, does their answer ring true to you?

→ Talk things through with your travel companion. It helps to get the perspective of someone you can trust but who may not have the same level of involvement in the crisis. They will be able to help you gauge your own emotional reaction better too.
→ Consider how your emotions will impact your travel companion(s). If you become difficult to travel with because of your emotions, this can spoil things for the other person(s) and it might just be better to go home to deal with the crisis in person.

→ Draw up a list of pros and cons. This can be a useful exercise to help you work out where the real balance lies - in staying, or in going back.
→ Keep in mind that if someone you care about is dying, that this is final. Where you are traveling isn't going anywhere, on the other hand, and will still be there for you another time.
→ Check your insurance to see if it covers a return to home for a crisis situation involving a close family member.
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