Puberty can be an exciting and confusing time for any girl. It means you’re growing up and can do things you weren’t able to as a child. But it can also be hard to know when you’re starting puberty or what to expect. Most girls’ brains start sending signals to their bodies to change at around age 8, but when you start to see physical or emotional changes varies from girl to girl.[1] But by identifying physical and emotional signs, you can know when you’re starting puberty.
Part 1 - Anticipating Puberty

→ Understand what puberty is. Many girls associate puberty with getting their first period. But puberty, which is when you start making the change from child to adult, starts long before this step and can take years. Puberty usually comes with the development of body hair and changes to the following:
→ Body shape
→ Breasts
→ Your mind and thought patterns.

→ Begin watching for signs. Puberty for most girls will start between the ages of 8 and 13, and finish by the age of 14. The first sign is usually developing breast buds, followed by sprouting body hair. Most girls get their periods 2 years after they start developing breasts.
→ The hormone that begins puberty is GnRH.
→ These changes don't happen overnight. You may not even notice the physical and mental changes at first.
→ There is nothing wrong in watching your body for signs of puberty. This may help prepare you to handle the changes you are about to experience.
→ Consider the effect of physical factors. There is a wide age range that girls go through puberty. Every girl’s body is different and physical factors such as genetics or weight can affect when you start puberty. Understanding these factors may help you better anticipate when you’ll experience each phase of puberty. Some of the factors that may alter puberty for you are:
→ Race. African-American girls often reach puberty earlier than Caucasian, or white, girls.
→ Weight. If you weigh more, you are more likely to go through puberty at an earlier age.
→ Social factors. The lack of an adult male figure, mother-daughter relationship, living in a stressful home environment, can make a girl go through puberty more quickly. In addition, some people think that exposure to overt sexuality in the media may contribute to early puberty in girls.
→ Age of female relatives starting puberty. Most girls start puberty at around the same age as their mother, sisters, grandmother, or aunts.

→ Talk to your doctor. If you are concerned about your development, schedule an appointment with your doctor. She can examine you and figure out if you are developing normally and when you might expect to see the signs of puberty on your body.
→ Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to talk to your doctor about your body and ask them questions.
Part 2 - Identifying Physical Signs

→ Check for breast buds. This process, which is also called thelarche, usually happens around the age of 9 or 10. Look at your chest and feel your chest gently with your hands and fingers. Breast buds feel like a small, firm, and tender lump in your chest.
→ If you have a lump in your breast that is painful, red, warm, or has discharge, tell your parents so that they can take you to a doctor.
→ Be aware that one breast or bud may develop more quickly than the other. This is also something that is completely normal.
→ Consider a training bra if your breasts are sensitive. This isn’t necessary at this stage of your development, but it may be exciting.

→ Look for pubic hair. The second sign that you may be starting puberty is pubarche or growing pubic hair on your labia, which is the fold of skin surrounding your vagina. Your pubic hair may be pale, straight, and soft. As you get older, it will become thicker, darker, coarser, and curlier.
→ In some cases, you might get pubic hair before breast buds, but either is usually a clear way to tell that you’re starting puberty.
→ Remember that you are not doing anything wrong by exploring your vagina or labia for pubic hair.

→ Notice a changing shape. Puberty means you’re gradually becoming a woman and taking on the shape of one. In addition to breast buds, you may notice that your shape changes, too. Look for changes to these other parts of your body, which often includes getting rounder or slightly bigger:
→ Hips
→ Thighs
→ Arms
→ Legs
→ Hands
→ Feet

→ See armpit hair. About 2 years after you start growing pubic hair, you will probably notice hair growing under your arms as well. Watch for similar growth patterns of armpit hair as you did with pubic hair: it may be sparse and soft at first and then gradually get thicker, darker, and more coarse.
→ Consider shaving your armpit hair, which can encourage bacteria growth and body odor if left to grow wild.
→ You may also want to consider wearing deodorant once you start developing armpit hair to prevent body odor.

→ Watch for vaginal discharge. Within the first 2 years of developing breast buds, you will likely go through menarche, or getting your first period. But about 6 months before this happens, you will likely notice that you have an increased amount of clear vaginal discharge.
→ Check your underwear for signs of the discharge. Pay attention to odor. If it has a heavy odor or itches, see a doctor.

→ Get your first period. For many girls, getting their period is most anticipated step of puberty and usually happens anywhere between the ages of 9 and 16. Once you notice vaginal discharge, expect your period to start within 6 months.
→ Your period may be irregular for the first couple of years. Keeping track of your period on a calendar may help you figure out your personal schedule.
→ Get the supplies you need to handle your periods, such as pads or panty liners. As you grow older, you can consider tampons.
→ You may feel cramps, bloating, backaches, or headaches before and during your period. Consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever to deal with the discomfort.

→ Examine your skin. Most preteens or teens will get breakouts of pimples or even acne. This is a result of extra sebum, or oil, production that happens during puberty.
→ Wash your face with a mild soap or cleanser to get rid of excess sebum and reduce breakouts.
→ Ask your doctor about over-the-counter or prescription medications if your breakouts are severe.

→ Expect a growth spurt. At some point during puberty, you will experience a growth spurt that will last 2 to 3 years. During this time, you may grow more than 4 inches (10 cm) in a year!
→ You may also gain some weight and notice other changes in your body's shape, such as a curvier figure and wider hips.
Part 3 - Recognizing Emotional Signals

→ Experience changing emotions. Puberty causes more hormones to gush through your system. These can affect your brain and change your emotions and thoughts. If you notice that your emotions, thoughts, and feelings are different or changing, it is a good sign that you are starting puberty. If you are feeling extreme mood changes or feelings of anxiety or depression, then talk to your parents or doctor. Some emotional changes you may experience are:
→ Feeling sensitive about your body’s changes or to other things like criticism or teasing
→ Having much more intense emotions such as being very jealous of another girl when you wouldn’t have been before
→ Going through frequent mood swings where you’re up one minute and down the next.
→ Experiencing body image issues
→ Having less self-esteem or less self-confidence
→ Feeling anxiety or even depression.

→ Notice new thought patterns. In addition to emotions, your brain is causing your thought patterns to develop and mature. Some of the following new thought patterns can indicate that you’re starting puberty:
→ Understanding more complex subjects or matters, such as the consequences of not doing homework
→ Making more of your own moral choices, such as knowing when it’s right to stand up for someone else who is being bullied.
→ Having a better sense of your likes and dislikes.

→ Develop your self. Puberty means you’re growing into an adult, and you may find that you have a much better sense of yourself and who you are. Remember that these changes are normal, but may cause some confusion or anxiety. Give yourself a chance to have new experiences to see how they fit into your sense of self.
→ Gain more independence by asking your parents to let you stay out later or go to the movies with friends. These can help you cope with puberty and grow up.
→ Recognize that your friends may change as you figure out who you are.
→ Make your own decisions as far as your parents will allow. For example, this might include picking out your own clothing every day.
→ Conflict between yourself and your friends and family is a part of growing up. Use this as a chance to learn how to handle arguments.

→ Feel curious about your body. You may also notice that you are curious about your body and sexuality as you start and continue to go through puberty. You may want to explore your body and might even masturbate sometimes, too. Both of these are completely normal, common, and nothing about which to be ashamed.
→ Don't believe any myths about masturbation. It won’t make hair grow on your hands, cause blindness, or make you infertile.
→ Ask a friend, family member, or medical professional about your body or masturbation. You may feel embarrassed, but remember that your feelings are totally normal.
→ Talk to your mom or a trusted female adult if you have questions about puberty. Remember that every woman goes through puberty and you have nothing about with to be ashamed or uncomfortable.
→ See a doctor or ask someone if you notice anything about which you’re unsure or is a sign of a potential problem. For example, discharge that is itchy or has an odor may signal an infection that requires medical attention.
→ Make sure to make a kit of you are worried or are semi positive about your period. Make sure to ask a trusted female adult to help you and there is nothing to be ashamed of, as every female goes through this.
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