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Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 7, 2019

How to Stay Tough After a Hard Day

Keeping your chin up after a difficult day is easier said than done. It is important to practice relaxation and positive thoughts to move forward. Focusing on you and your accomplishments will make the day brighter while also setting the stage for a better tomorrow.

Method 1 - Resting and Relaxing


→ Leave work at work. When you finish your workday, avoid bringing work and work problems home with you. Leave any work that you still have to complete at your place of work. Avoid dwelling on work issues when you leave your place of work for the day.

Unwind as you commute

→ Unwind as you commute. Listen to your favorite song in the car. Read on the train. Do the newspaper crossword on the bus ride. View this time as an oasis between work and home, an opportunity to do whatever you please without obligation.

→ Put up your cell phone for the trip and force yourself to take in your surroundings. Play a mental game where you try to identify as many noises as possible.

→ If you are frustrated at the end of your workday, then take some time to express those feelings. If you are angry, then scream. If you are sad, then allow yourself to cry and let it out.

Concentrate on calm breathing

→ Concentrate on calm breathing. Take deep breaths and clear your mind of all the negative things that are pressuring you. The process of deep breathing itself is very relaxing, and you may be so stressed that you are not breathing in an even way.

→ Poor breathing suppresses the immune system making you more susceptible to illnesses and additional anxiety.

Take a relaxing bath or shower

→ Take a relaxing bath or shower. Set aside an hour of downtime immediately after returning home and run the tap for a warm bath. Turn on soothing music and perhaps add some bath salts to the water. To stay positive, while in the water, only allow yourself to think of your goals one year into the future.

→ Add essential oils to the bath water. Lavender and eucalyptus are particularly soothing.

Get a good night’s sleep

→ Get a good night’s sleep. Aim for a solid eight hours of relaxing, uninterrupted sleep. Go to bed at the same time every evening to guarantee that you do not keep yourself up thinking about the day’s events. The goal is to feel refreshed in the morning and ready to start the day with a blank slate.

Method 2 - Channeling your Energy in a Positive Direction

Work on a hobby

→ Work on a hobby. This is your opportunity to unwind in a creative way by reading a book, gardening, painting, or even shopping. Whatever you choose, focus on enjoying the project at hand and do not let your thoughts stray back to the difficulties of the day.

→ People who have regular hobbies are less likely to suffer from dementia and depression. Following a passion allows you to work out negative emotions in a healthy, productive way.

Seek out entertainment

→ Seek out entertainment. Let someone else do the work of catching and keeping your attention. Rent your favorite movie to watch at home, or see what's on at your local cinema. Visit a gallery or sit in a jazz club.

→ Choose a comedy for maximum well-being benefits. Laughing causes your blood vessels to dilate, resulting in lower blood pressure. Aim for at least one 15-minute belly laugh for maximum results.

Exercise! Staying active helps to relieve tension

→ Exercise! Staying active helps to relieve tension, and will energize you. It also helps to expend cortisol and adrenaline, which are stress hormones. Even an hour of walking can dissolve some of the stress of the day.

→ Thirty minutes of exercise increases the levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, in the brain leading to an overall reduction in stress.

Sing a song you love

→ Sing a song you love. Pick one that brightens your day when it is on the radio. Don't worry about how well you sing it, or that you may not know all of the words, the point is to have some fun and lighten your mood.

→ Gather with others to sing. Group singing reduces anxiety while also improving circulation. It is possible that the hearts of group singers fall into sync during songs, suggesting that other health benefits may be present as well.


→ Volunteer. Doing volunteer work is good for your body and mind. By volunteering, you can prevent loneliness and depression, and you can also improve your physical health, such as by lowering your blood pressure. Consider donating some of your time to a local non-profit organization, such as an animal shelter, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter.

Method 3 - Seeking Out Support from Other People

Talk to someone about your day

→ Talk to someone about your day. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Good friends are always happy to share their thoughts, or just be there to listen.

→ If you feel uncomfortable talking to someone in person, you may want to reach out to an online community forum or support group. These are people who share common concerns or challenges, such as battling cancer or struggling with smoking, so they may be able to sympathize.

Ask someone about their day

→ Ask someone about their day. You may feel less alone if you hear about the challenges faced by others on a daily basis. Ask them to provide at least one example of a coping strategy that they use to get through a difficult day.

→ By simply asking about their day, you could be making it a better one for them. It is always nice to know that someone cares about your well-being.

Meet up with family, friends, or coworkers

→ Meet up with family, friends, or coworkers. As soon as you know that your day is heading in a bad direction, call up other people and arrange to get together as soon as you are free. Meet in a setting that is social and exciting, such as a lively restaurant or pool hall, as this will help to distract you while also lifting your spirits.

Take comfort from touch

→ Take comfort from touch. Give someone a big hug or ask for one. Find a reason for a spontaneous high-five. Making physical contact with another person, even if it’s brief, will remind you that you are not alone.

→ Touch can give you an indication as to a person’s feelings. Even blindfolded, about 78% of people can project and interpret emotions via touch alone.

→ Be careful not to violate anyone’s personal space. After all, we live in a society often called “touch-phobic.”

Method 4 - Getting Excited About Your Future

Talk to yourself

→ Talk to yourself. You don't have to do this out loud, but it can be helpful! Talk about the day you had and go over everything that has happened. Try to identify a few moments that went well, and give yourself credit for getting through the day.

→ Self-talk can actually increase memory retention and improve your IQ as well. However, it must be positive in nature to show these benefits.

Write a list of the positives

→ Write a list of the positives. It may be hard to think of these at first, but remember that even the smallest positives are still positives! Even something as basic as a smile can be the best part of your day.

→ Making attractive (nice formatting, font, graphics) lists of daily actions can lessen feelings of agitation. They also provide a creative product that you can be proud of.


→ It is best not to bottle up your emotions. If you need to cry at the end of a hard day, then do so. Bottled emotions have a tendency to grow over time and can contribute to the development of heart disease and even types of cancer.

→ Having "bad days" often may be a sign of depression. Talk to your doctor if your moods worsen or are persistently low.

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