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Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 6, 2019

How to Use Aloe Vera to Treat Constipation

Aloe vera is a member of the succulent plant family and has dark green leaves filled with a juicy gel. The plant has long been a folk remedy for everything from soothing and healing burns to a makeup remover.[1] Aloe vera can also be used as a natural remedy for constipation, but it is not recommended as it can cause diarrhea and become unsafe. It has been linked to kidney disease and cancer. However, if you really want to use aloe to relieve constipation, you can purchase it as a juice, a gel, or in capsule form.

Part 1 - Learning about Aloe and Constipation

Learn the causes and symptoms of constipation

→ Learn the causes and symptoms of constipation. If you’re unable to have a bowel movement or have them less frequently than you normally do, you may be constipated. Constipation can occur from dehydration, lack of fiber in the diet, travel, or stress. Knowing the different causes and symptoms of constipation may help you identify why you’re unable to have a bowel movement and take proper action.

→ Know that while constipation is often very uncomfortable, it is also very common. Only in cases where you can’t defecate after a protracted period of time can constipation get serious, and you’ll need to see a doctor to relieve the problem.

→ You can become constipated for a wide array of reasons including: dehydration; not enough fiber in your diet; a disruption in routine or travel; not enough activity; eating large amounts of dairy; stress; laxative abuse; hypothyroidism; some medications such as pain medications or antidepressants; eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and pregnancy.

→ There are also several different symptoms including: infrequent bowel movements or difficulty having bowel movements, hard or small stools, a feeling of having incomplete bowel movements, a swollen abdomen or abdominal pain, vomiting.

→ Every person varies in how often they have bowel movements. Some people have three a day, while others will only have a bowel movement every other day. If you notice that you’re having bowel movements less frequently than usual or you don’t pass more than three stools per week, this may be a sign of constipation.

Try rehydrating and eating fiber before using a l

→ Try rehydrating and eating fiber before using a laxative. Before you use aloe vera or another natural remedy to relieve yourself, first try drinking some more water, eating some fiber, and even squatting. These may alleviate your constipation without having to use a laxative.

→ Try drinking two to four extra glasses of water a day. You can also try warm liquids such as tea or warm water with lemon.

→ Try eating some fiber-rich food to get your digestion moving. Fruits and vegetables are excellent options. You could also eat some prunes or bran cereal for fiber as well.

→ Men should aim for 30-38 grams of fiber per day, while women should try to eat at least 21-25 grams of fiber per day.

→ For example, one cup of raspberries has 8 grams of fiber, while one cup of cooked whole wheat spaghetti has 6.3 grams of fiber. Beans have considerably more fiber, with one cup of split peas providing 16.3 grams of fiber and one cup of lentils containing 15.6 grams of fiber. Artichokes and green beans have 10.3 grams and 8.8 grams of fiber, respectively.

→ If drinking more water and eating fiber-rich foods doesn’t relieve your constipation, try a natural laxative like aloe vera.

Learn about aloe vera as a laxative

→ Learn about aloe vera as a laxative. You can use the aloe plant as a laxative in three different forms: as a juice, a gel, or a capsule. In any form, aloe is a very powerful laxative and should be taken sparingly or not at all.

→ Aloe’s medicinal products come from two substances the plant produces: the gel and the latex. Aloe gel is clear and jelly-like that is found within the plant’s leaf. Aloe latex, which is yellow in color, is located just under the plant's skin.

→ Some aloe products are made by crushing the leaves and thus contain both gel and latex.

→ Aloe latex is hard on the kidneys and for this reason should be used sparingly. Because of concerns about potentially harmful effects of aloe as a laxative, the Federal Drug Administration required that it be removed as an ingredient from over the counter laxatives by the end of 2002.

Buy your aloe juice, gel, or capsules

→ Buy your aloe juice, gel, or capsules. Aloe juice, pure aloe gel, and aloe capsules are fairly easy to find at retailers such as grocery and health food stores. You’ll need to mix both into another kind of juice or tea.

→ Health food stores are the most likely place to find 100% aloe juice and pure aloe gel. Some retailers that specialize in selling nutritional supplements also usually sell aloe juice and pure aloe gel.

→ Many grocery stores will also sell these products, especially aloe juice.

→ Make sure you buy pure aloe gel and not a topical aloe gel meant to soothe sunburn. This particular product is not meant for ingestion and can harm you if taken instead of pure aloe gel.

→ Aloe capsules in particular can cause cramping. You may also want to consider purchasing a calming herb like turmeric or a peppermint tea to help keep side effects at bay.

→ Health food stores are the most likely place to find aloe capsules. Some retailers that specialize in selling nutritional supplements will also sell aloe capsules.

See a doctor

→ See a doctor. If you have been constipated for two weeks or more, contact your doctor and schedule an appointment. This will not only rule out a more severe condition such as bowel obstruction, but your doctor will also likely be able to prescribe you a more effective and safe method for evacuating your bowels.

Prevent constipation

→ Prevent constipation. If you are finally able to relieve your constipation and want to avoid having this uncomfortable condition again, consider some changes to your diet and exercise habits. These can help prevent you from getting constipated again.

→ Make sure to eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grain breads and cereals such as bran.

→ Drink at least 1.5 to 2 US quarts (1,000 to 2,000 ml) (48oz. to 64 oz.) of water and other liquids a day.

→ Get regular exercise. Even something as simple as a walk will help get your bowels moving.

Part 2 - Taking Aloe for Constipation

Prepare and drink aloe juice or gel

→ Prepare and drink aloe juice or gel. Twice a day, prepare either your aloe juice or aloe gel to take if you choose this option over aloe capsules. This should help relieve your constipation within a few days.

→ The dosage for aloe juice is ½ quart (16oz. or 2 cups) in the morning when you wake up and ½ quart (16oz. or 2 cups) in the evening before you go to bed.

→ The taste of aloe juice is quite strong, Drink it alone if you can handle the taste, but if not, mix it with 8oz. of a juice to dilute the taste.

→ The dosage for aloe gel is 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) per day mixed in with your favorite juice.

Take your aloe capsule

→ Take your aloe capsule. Three times a day, take your aloe capsule with a calming herb or tea if you choose this method over aloe juice or aloe gel. This should help relieve your constipation within a few days.

→ The dosage for aloe capsules is one 5g capsule of aloe concentrate three times per day.

→ Consider taking a calming herb such as turmeric or an herbal tea like peppermint to help reduce the side effects of aloe capsules.

Avoid aloe in certain cases

→ Avoid aloe in certain cases. Not everyone should use aloe as a laxative. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid using aloe as a laxative. Children and individuals with diabetes, hemorrhoids, kidney problems, and intestinal conditions like Crohn’s disease should also avoid aloe as a laxative.

→ Anyone with an allergy to onions, garlic, or tulips should avoid aloe.


→ Relaxation techniques and stress management can help alleviate constipation as well


→ Avoid aloe vera injections as they may cause a severe reaction.

→ Ingesting aloe vera is not recommended for children, pregnant women, or women who are nursing.

→ Do not take aloe vera if you are allergic to any member of the lily family, such as onions, garlic, or tulips.

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