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Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 6, 2019

How to Reduce Appearance of Stretch Marks During Puberty

Most people associate stretch marks with pregnancy, but the reality is that anyone can get them. In fact, stretch marks are very common in both girls and guys during puberty.[1] Hormones can cause changes in the skin and make you gain weight, which may result in stretch marks on your stomach, breasts, thighs, hips, or arms. Although there is no way to completely remove stretch marks, you can make lifestyle changes and consider medical treatments to help reduce your stretch marks.[2]

Method 1 - Using Lifestyle Habits to Decrease Stretch Marks

Moisturize your skin

→ Moisturize your skin. Stretch marks are caused by a breakdown in the production of collagen, which makes up the connective tissues of your skin. Keeping your skin moisturized may help reduce the appearance of your stretch marks.

→ You may want to use a richer moisturizing cream, such as cocoa butter. Other options may have special ingredients such as collagen and elastin that can boost the effects of the moisturizer on your skin.

→ Some moisturizers are slightly tinted and may cover up the appearance of your stretch marks while keeping your skin hydrated.

→ You can get any of these moisturizers at pharmacies and many large retailers and grocery stores.

Use stretch mark cream

→ Use stretch mark cream. Some companies manufacture creams specifically designed for reducing and preventing stretch marks. There is little scientific evidence that these actually work, but you may find that a stretch-mark specific cream help reduce the appearance of your stretch marks.

→ Stretch marks creams differ from normal lotions in that they contain higher amounts of ingredients like cocoa butter, vitamin E, and glycolic acid. Some creams contain ingredients like retinol or caffeine, which may be even more effective, at least temporarily.

→ You can buy stretch mark creams at most pharmacies and large retailers.

Avoid the sun

→ Avoid the sun. Some people think that tanning may reduce stretch marks but this isn’t the case. In fact, tanning may make them more visible because stretch marks often don’t tan.

→ Tanning in the sun and tanning beds can cause damage to your long-term health, including skin cancer.

→ If you feel that a tan can help you deal with your stretch marks, use a self-tanner for the same effect. The self-tanner may also cover the stretch mark more effectively than other an actual tan.

Maintain your weight

→ Maintain your weight. Rapid weight gain and loss is one of the primary causes of stretch marks. Keeping your weight within a consistent range can help reduce and prevent stretch marks.

→ There is a healthy weight range depending on your age and height. There are all kinds of online tools to help you figure out what your ideal weight range is.

→ Eating a healthy diet and getting exercise can help you not only maintain your weight, but also reduce the appearance of your stretch marks.

Eat a balanced diet

→ Eat a balanced diet. Make healthy food choices to maintain your weight. Eating nutritious and balanced meals may also improve your skin’s quality and appearance.

→ You want to make sure to get healthy, whole foods and snacks from the different food groups.

→ Diets high in fat and sugar may slow cell turnover, which could make the appearance of your skin worse and can cause you to gain weight. Try not to eat many fried foods or sweets.

→ Foods high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, including fruits and vegetables such as raspberries and carrots, may increase cell turnover for healthier skin.

→ Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene. These, combined with plenty of water, increase cell turnover and may help keep your skin healthy and less prone to stretch marks.

→ Unhealthy foods also take the place of foods you could be eating that provide the necessary vitamins and antioxidants to promote healthy skin and maintain your weight (this is what is meant by the term "empty calories"). You are getting calories from these junk foods, but none of the nutrients necessary to keep your body healthy.

→ Part of any well-balanced diet is proper hydration. Aim to drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water every day to keep your body healthy, which may help your skin stay healthy.

Exercise regularly

→ Exercise regularly. Getting exercise daily can help keep you fit and maintain your weight and prevent rapid weight gain, which is a primary cause of stretch marks. In addition, exercise helps to retain the elasticity of skin by improving circulation throughout your body, which can help reduce stretch marks and their appearance.

→ Teens should aim to do 60 or more minutes of exercise or activity every day. So long as you keep your body moving, this can help maintain your weight and reduce stretch marks. A good opportunity for this is gym class — do your best to participate and make the most of this time.

→ Try different types of exercise and activity. You can run, swim, canoe or do another sport you like. But even going for a walk for an hour with a friend or riding your bike to a store or around the neighborhood is an activity that can help maintain your weight.

Understand that stretch marks fade with time

→ Understand that stretch marks fade with time. In addition to taking proactive lifestyle measure to reduce your stretch marks, be aware that stretch marks normally fade over time. This can make them less noticeable and may help you relax about their appearance.

Method 2 - Considering Medical Treatments

See your doctor

→ See your doctor. If your stretch marks aren’t fading with home remedies or are causing you a significant amount of distress, talk to your doctor. She can discuss medical treatments to help reduce your stretch marks.

→ You can either see your pediatrician or a dermatologist, which is a doctor who specifically treats the skin.

→ Make sure to speak openly and honestly with your doctor about your stretch marks and the distress they cause you. She won’t judge you and you don’t have anything about which to be ashamed. Changes in your body are normal during puberty.

Apply tretinoin cream

→ Apply tretinoin cream. There is some research that tretinoin cream, which is a form of Vitamin A, may improve the appearance of stretch marks by rebuilding collagen. Ask your doctor to prescribe a tretinoin cream to help get rid of your stretch marks.

→ Tretinoin works best on newer stretch marks. These appear pink or red in color. The treatment doesn’t work on older stretch marks, which may appear purple or pale.

→ Be aware that tretinoin can irritate your skin.

Undergo laser therapy

→ Undergo laser therapy. Laser therapy can improve stretch marks by using intense wavelengths of light to stimulate collagen, elastin, or melanin growth. Some lasers also reduce the redness of the stretch marks. Your doctor or a dermatologist must administer the treatments and you should discuss the treatment before undergoing this procedure.

→ It can take several treatments to improve the appearance of your stretch marks.

→ Your doctor can help you determine if this is the right treatment for you and which type of laser therapy will most effectively reduce your stretch marks.

→ Some doctors may be reluctant or unwilling to do laser therapy on a teen.


→ If you want to cover your stretch marks with something other than self-tanner, you can purchase and apply body makeup or concealer. You can find this at many pharmacies, large retailers, and some department stores.

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