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Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 6, 2019

How to Lead a Healthy Life

To lead means to take charge and guide. By deciding to lead a healthy life, you're deciding to assume command over your own habits and actions. Take care of the basics by eating, exercising, and sleeping. Build a system you can sustain by integrating healthy habits into every part of your routine. Enlist your friends and your doctor to help you stay on track.

Part 1 - Taking Care of the Basics

Eat food

→ Eat food. Everyone's ideal diet is different, yet we all need to cover the same bases. Eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, protein, and healthy fats. Talk to your physician about your needs: if you have a medical condition, you may need to be more careful about what you eat.

→ Eat at least three meals a day with healthy snacks in between. Pay attention to your portion size and serving sizes of different foods to make sure that you're not overeating. It is unhealthy to overeat, even if it is with healthy foods.

→ Avoid processed food and fast food. Eat foods made from fresh and simple ingredients whenever you can.

→ Eat a variety of whole foods. Eat beans, nuts, salads, and fermented foods like yogurt.

→ Forget vitamins and supplements unless a doctor recommends them. If you eat a variety of foods, including plenty of fruits and vegetables, you'll get the nutrients you need.

→ Get in the habit of eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're full. Pay attention to your food while you eat so that you notice your level of hunger decreasing.

→ If you think about food all the time, if you eat when you're not hungry, or if you avoid eating at all, you might have an eating disorder. Consult your physician.

Drink fluids

→ Drink fluids. Drink water, some juices, broth, milk, and other liquids throughout the day. Drink 2.2 to 3 liters, or about eight 8oz glasses of liquid a day.

→ Eating juicy vegetables and fruits will also hydrate you.

→ Try to avoid soda and other artificially sweetened drinks. Sugar is bad for your metabolism, your teeth, and your immune system.


→ Exercise. Make sure you move every day. It will boost your mood, your energy, and your health. If you're an adult, aim for about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. Activity that counts as vigorous is when you maintain 70-85% of your maximum heart rate for the entire period of exercise. It's better to exercise more frequently than to get all your working out in one day, so do something daily if you can.

→ You don't have to join a gym to exercise. You can take brisk walks, go on runs, swim, or join a dance troupe.


→ Sleep. Sleep has everything to do with health. To maintain your immune resistance, your weight, and your mental health, keep a regular sleep schedule. If you're an adult, go for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. Try to wind down naturally around the same time every evening so you’re your body knows it's time to relax.

→ Teenagers may need closer to 10 hours of sleep a night.

→ Older adults still need 7-8 hours of sleep, but may also need to nap more and spend more time in bed.


→ Relax. Taking time off from work and other stressors is essential to your health. Engage in the hobbies that relax you, get out of the house and walk in nature, hang out with friends, and learn some relaxation techniques that you can do in rough moments. Chronic stress can lead to heart disease, headaches, digestive issues, memory issues, weight gain, and mental illness.

→ Even if you don't work, it's important to take vacations from your everyday routine.

→ Take many vacations and weekend trips in which you focus on relaxing. Try to keep your evenings free.

→ Take quick naps and short breaks during your workday.

→ Meditate

→ If you are a trauma survivor, stress might hit you especially hard. A mental health counselor can make a great difference during times of stress.

Part 2 - Getting Into Healthy Habits

Cook at home

→ Cook at home. Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier than eating out, so teach yourself to cook the things you love, and keep a well-stocked fridge. Shop healthily. Plan out your meals for the week, and go to the grocery store with a list. Start in the produce aisles, and skip the chips and snack aisles.

→ If your time is limited during the week, try cooking a lot of food at once during the weekends. Stews, grain salads, casseroles and roasts keep well in the fridge.

→ Cook food you like, or you won't want to eat it.

→ To guarantee weekly vegetables, order a CSA from a local farm if you can afford one.

→ In some areas you can use SNAP, or food stamps, at your local farmer's market. They're worth twice as much that way, so check to see if you can.

Cultivate active habits

→ Cultivate active habits. If you have trouble getting to the gym on a regular basis, build more activity into your daily routine. Take up gardening or another active hobby. Get a dog so that you remember to go on walks. Cut your commute and walk part of the way to work, or get in the habit of patronizing nearby businesses so you can walk there and back.

→ See if you can bike part of your commute instead of walking it.

→ Take the stairs, not the elevator.

→ Cultivate the habit of taking an after-dinner stroll in a nearby park.

→ Try any hobby that gets you out of the house and moving around, like birdwatching or geocaching.

Brush and floss

→ Brush and floss. Dental hygiene affects your heart health as well as your gums and teeth. Brush twice a day and floss daily. Consider adding in a mouthwash containing fluoride. Schedule regular dental cleanings and exams, and don't hesitate to make an appointment if you have gum bleeding, misaligned teeth, or sensitivity. If you're having trouble swallowing, you should see a doctor immediately.

Wear sunscreen

→ Wear sunscreen. Sunscreen protects you from cancer and helps your skin age more slowly. Wear sunscreen when you go outside, but also when you sit by a window. Wear broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Apply 15 minutes before sun exposure, and reapply every two hours.

→ Keep an eye on your skin. If you have moles, check them regularly to see if they have grown into irregular shapes or colorations, or if they are increasing in size.


→ Socialize. Having a healthy social network is good for your longevity, your recovery from illnesses you contract, and your mental stability. See friends regularly. Keep in touch with family.

→ To expand your social contacts, join a religious congregation, activist collective, artistic cooperative or other organization. Get involved in the organization, and stick with it.

→ Get to know your neighbors. You don't need to make best friends with everyone on your block, but getting to the point where you can have a friendly chat when you see each other is a good idea.

→ Volunteer to help out people in your life when they are in need, and ask for help when you need it.

→ If you're single, consider dating. If you're happily coupled, consider moving in with your partner. Romantic companionship is one of the biggest factors in health and happiness.

→ Tell the people you love what you love about them. Send notes of appreciation.

Build happiness and self-acceptance

→ Build happiness and self-acceptance. Get in the habit of treating yourself lovingly. Speak to yourself the way you would speak to a dear friend. When you start having negative spirals of thought, pause and identify the thought that is making you feel bad. Accept the bad feeling and don't try to control it. Instead, calm yourself until you can analyze the logic behind your bad feeling.

→ Affirm your positive feelings. Good feelings help you survive trauma and illness. When you have a positive feeling, pause and enjoy it.

→ If you have a positive thought, say it out loud: "I love this park" or "I did a great job handling my stress today."

Limit your exposure to toxins

→ Limit your exposure to toxins. You can keep yourself healthier by reducing your interaction with the chemicals in your environment. Don't smoke. Cigarettes are toxic.

→ Avoid products that contain chemicals.

→ Mop, don't sweep. Dust is full of toxins, so you don't want to stir it up into the air. Use a wet rag to wipe down surfaces, and mop the floors regularly. You can also vacuum.

→ Don't use pesticides or buy spray. Keep these chemicals out of your home. You can avoid bugs by keeping your house clean.

→ Handwash your dry-cleaning. Professional dry-cleaners use perchloroethylene, which can cause health problems when you are exposed to it for a long time. Clean your clothes with water instead, or find a dry cleaner who will agree to wet-clean your clothing.

→ Check the air quality forecast. Try to get your outdoors time in on days with higher air quality, and go further away from factories and traffic when you exercise.

Part 3 - Keeping Track of Your Health

See your doctor regularly

→ See your doctor regularly. Enlist the help of an expert to aid you in your healthy life. Get your annual check up, and go in whenever you think something might be wrong. Doctors are there to educate you as well as diagnose you, so going in to the doctor when healthy is never a waste of time.

→ Make sure you have insurance that gives you the coverage you need. For instance, if you're likely to conceive a child within the next few years, make sure your insurance covers maternity care and childbirth services.

→ Ask your doctor if you are taking care of yourself correctly. Your doctor may have thoughts about your diet and exercise that

Look out for signs and symptoms

→ Look out for signs and symptoms. Screen yourself for any diseases or conditions you might be prone to. If an illness runs in your family, monitor for it. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, or if you notice your skin or any other body part changing in a way that cannot be attributed to ordinary aging, see a doctor.

→ Minor symptoms that persist for longer than a week, such as coughing, should also prompt a visit to a health professional.

→ If you're unsure about a symptom, call the doctor's office and ask to speak to a nurse or a nurse practitioner. Many minor problems can be diagnosed over the phone.

→ Immediately call 911 if you are having an emergency. Emergencies include difficulty breathing, chest pain, bad abdominal pain, bleeding, head trauma, or loss of consciousness .

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