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Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 5, 2019

How to Manage Environmental and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Environmental and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a complex disorder in which one has increasing difficulty adapting to changes in both internal and external environments. Patients experience many symptoms which indicate impaired function in various body systems. Fortunately, researchers are currently investigating the autonomic nervous system to confirm the nature of this disorder, and using non-pharmaceutical techniques to treat, re-educate, and restore normal function. The following how-to implements some of their research, as well as everyday tips for living with MCS.

If you have MCS, you should actively try to:<br /><br />Acc

→ If you have MCS, you should actively try to:

→ Accept your condition, your environment, and the relationship between the two.

→ Take responsibility for your own well being.

→ Set goals toward wellness.

Use a holistic approach in terms of healing

→ Use a holistic approach in terms of healing. Take into account the World Health Organization’s twelve determinants of health, which include:

→ Income and social status

→ Social support networks

→ Education and literacy, i.e. health literacy

→ Employment/working conditions

→ Social environments

→ Physical environments

→ Personal health practices and coping skills

→ Healthy child development

→ Biology and genetic endowment

→ Health services

→ Gender

→ Culture

Get tested regularly by a good environmental phys

→ Get tested regularly by a good environmental physician. Tests may include:

→ Treadmill testing

→ Strength, posture, and balance testing

→ Autonomic nervous system testing

→ Electrocardiogram (ECG), skin temperature, skin conductance, and surface electromyogram (EMG) testing

→ Neurological impairment testing (sensation, muscle tone/tremors, reflexes, and coordination)

→ Respiratory impairment testing (via swallowing)

→ Bedside peak flow meter and pulmonary function testing

→ Bedside oxygen saturation testing (supine, sitting, standing, exertion)

→ Overnight oxygen saturation testing (takes two nights)

→ Any other basic evaluations

Utilize treatment therapies to help your symptoms

→ Utilize treatment therapies to help your symptoms. These can include:

→ Pharmaceutical prescription

→ Physiotherapy

→ Education series

→ Desensitization approaches

→ Intravenous therapy

→ Counseling

→ Psychotherapy

Rehabilitation can also offers a lot of assistanc

→ Rehabilitation can also offers a lot of assistance. Employment assessment, monthly work re-entry workshops and monthly work re-entry follow-up support group continue to inform about vocational review, resume preparation, job search and interview skills, work re-entry protocols, transitional employment, work-place follow-up, liaise with insurers, workers compensation board, pension plans, and networking with community agencies—these are just a few of the benefits of rehabilitation.

Try meditation and other spiritual services

→ Try meditation and other spiritual services. Spiritual services recognize that individuals have spiritual as well as emotional and physical needs. Spiritual needs are met through our connection to the world and others, which in turn helps make our individual experiences more meaningful. Such spiritual services might include:

→ Body Mind Awareness Program, which is based on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. This model for stress reduction and health puts mindfulness and awareness practices in an appropriate (and scientific) context for healing.

→ Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition is a process of identifying, assessing, and recognizing what a person can do. It supports that learning is continuous and connected to virtually all aspects of our lives including formal education, life, and work experience. As a tool for transition, this program can assist participants in making occupational choices.

→ Home and Workplace Evaluation can help MCS patients determine how their atmosphere affects their condition, and how to improve their setting to improve their MCS.

→ Expressive Arts engages the patient in art music or body movement. Participants explore images which they use to identify feelings of anger, grief, and loss. This program offers interactive ways to explore issues of long-term illness, which can be very spiritually beneficial.

→ Mindful Yoga works to unify the body and mind. A combination of gentle stretching exercises and breathing exercises can really make a difference to someone with MCS.

Choose all-natural products available at health f

→ Choose all-natural products available at health food stores and co-ops. They often contain fewer chemicals. Here is a list of good products to use:

→ Household Cleaning and Laundry Products

→ Shaklee Basic H – (available through a distributor)

→ Simply Clean – laundry, dishwashing, all purpose.

→ Baking Soda

→ Borax

→ Soaps and Shampoos/Hair Care

→ Nature Clean (shampoo and conditioner)

→ Spice of Life – soap (honey & oatmeal, avocado)

→ Aquatain – unscented body lotion

→ Lubriderm – unscented body lotion

→ Marcelle – face cream

→ Almay – face cream

→ Deodorants

→ Marcelle – roll on, available at most pharmacies

→ Crystal Rock – some pharmacies

→ Natural Science

→ Earthwise – chamomile

→ Baking Soda

→ Simple

→ Dove – fragrance free (sensitive skin)

→ Ladyspeed stick – unscented, invisible

→ Shaving Products

→ Use an electric razor preferably

→ Aveeno – shaving cream

→ Always sample products before you buy!

Let your employer know that you have MCS

→ Let your employer know that you have MCS. Ask if he/she will allow you take certain measures to help your condition (opening doors, bringing in air purifiers, etc.).

Let your friends and workmates know that you're s

→ Let your friends and workmates know that you're sensitive to certain chemicals. Suggest alternative products they can use to help you.

Investigate and reduce sources of indoor air poll

→ Investigate and reduce sources of indoor air pollution. These may come from scented personal care products, detergent, laundry and cleaning products, air fresheners, household cleaners, pesticides, pretty much anywhere.

Find out whether or not the use of a personal air

→ Find out whether or not the use of a personal air purifier helps you (such as one that goes around your neck). You can also try a respiratory mask that covers the nose and mouth—this might relieve some breathing symptoms.

Try getting a professional detox, as it may help

→ Try getting a professional detox, as it may help flush the chemicals out of your system that are bothering you.

Go to a sauna

→ Go to a sauna. It will sweat the toxins out of your system.

Get help from a doctor who specializes in this fi

→ Get help from a doctor who specializes in this field. If you don't know anyone who specializes in this field, ask for a reference from your family doctor.


→ Promote health. Consider your lifestyle choices, exercise regularly, and choose foods wisely. Eat a diet from a wide variety of foods without preservatives or additives. Check out the organic section of your local grocery store for fruits and veggies grown without any artificial agents.

→ Reduce your stress as much as possible, as this can exacerbate your MCS.

→ Know that vary from person to person, so your experience as a sufferer of MCS will not necessarily be the same as someone else's.

→ Document and save all instances of refusal to reasonably accommodate your needs in the workplace, and in shared living spaces, just in case.

→ Get the word out about MCS! The more people you share it with, the easier it is to bear the burden.

→ That being said, use tact when letting others know you have MCS, as they may not be sympathetic.


→ Your friends or colleagues may not be willing to give up certain products for your health and/or may not believe MCS is real medical condition. Try to be patient with them.

→ Remember, this advice is not meant to replace any doctors' orders or official medical help.

→ Some new air purifiers emit ozone, which you may be sensitive to.

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