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Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 5, 2019

How to Improve Your Body Image

Body image is how you feel about your body when you look at yourself in a mirror or just as you move around. You may even have a different perception of your body than what you see in the mirror.[1] Having a negative body image may affect the way that you behave and, in some cases, it may even interfere with daily activities. There are several ways that you can improve your body image, such as saying positive things to yourself, focusing on what your body can do, and surrounding yourself with positive people. Keep reading to learn more about how to improve your body image.

Part 1 - Understanding Body Image

Determine if you have a negative body image

→ Determine if you have a negative body image. You may already know if you have a negative body image, but there are some simple criteria that may help you if you are unsure. Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you have a negative body image:

→ Do you perceive your shape in an unrealistic way?

→ Do you think that only other people are attractive?

→ Do you think that your body size or shape is a sign of personal failure?

→ Do you feel ashamed, self-conscious, and anxious about your body?

→ Do you feel uncomfortable and awkward in your body?

→ If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may have a negative body image.

Consider challenges that have contributed to your

→ Consider challenges that have contributed to your body image. Understanding the challenges that you have faced that may have contributed to your negative body image may help you. Try to identify any special challenges that you have faced that may have caused you to develop some of the feelings and beliefs that you hold about your body.

→ Have you had surgery or other medical treatments that had a disfiguring effect on your body?

→ Have you suffered from physical or emotional abuse?

→ Have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder?

→ Were you born with any physical defects?

→ If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may need to seek the help of a licensed mental health professional to help you work through these issues.

Be aware of the media’s role in affecting your bo

→ Be aware of the media’s role in affecting your body image. We are constantly bombarded with images of “ideal” beauty and told that we are imperfect. Recognize that these messages are being used to sell you a product and that they have no basis in reality. The images of models and actors that you see in magazines are frequently altered to make them look flawless. Know that this unreachable standard of beauty may be affecting your body image.

Identify reasons you want to improve your body im

→ Identify reasons you want to improve your body image. In order to motivate yourself to change the way that you think about your body, identify some of the benefits that you hope to enjoy as a result of a more positive body image. Write these positives down so that you remember them.

→ For example, you might write down something like, “I want to improve my body image so that I will feel more comfortable wearing dresses and so that I will enjoy sex more.”

Decide if you need to talk to a therapist about y

→ Decide if you need to talk to a therapist about your body image problems. While you can do several things to improve your body image on your own, you may need to talk to a therapist if your body image problems are severe. If you are having trouble functioning on a daily basis or if you have other problems, such as an eating disorder, you should seek help from a mental health professional as soon as possible.

Part 2 - Changing Your Body Image

Focus on what you like about your body

→ Focus on what you like about your body. Identifying your favorite features may help you to develop a more positive body image. Take a few moments each day to look at yourself in the mirror and identify your favorite features of your body.

→ For example, you might say to yourself, “I really like the shape of my face.” As you repeat this self-talk on a daily basis, you should begin to notice more of your good features and start to feel better about your body.

Pay attention to the diversity of body types in t

→ Pay attention to the diversity of body types in the world. Bodies come in many different shapes and sizes. Paying attention to the diversity of bodies may help you to see the beauty in your own unique body shape and size as well. When you go out, pay attention to how different people’s bodies are. Note the shapes, sizes, colors, and others features of people’s bodies.

→ Try not to stare at people as you notice different body shapes. It may cause other people to feel self-conscious.

→ View other people’s bodies with an open, non-judgmental mind. Avoid attaching labels to other people’s bodies, just observe so that you can begin to see how many different types of bodies there are. Don’t compare yourself to others as you observe other body types.

Take notice of all of the things your body can do

→ Take notice of all of the things your body can do. You may be able to improve your body image by focusing more on what it can do instead of what it looks like. Even if you are not athletic, think about how you use your body every day.

→ For example, you might simply observe that you use your body to hug your family and friends, to breathe in, and to smile.

→ Make a list of all the things that your body can do and look at it when you begin to focus too much on what your body looks like.

→ Try out a new physical activity to discover more ways that you can use your body. For example, you could try yoga, tai chi, swimming, or a dance class.

Use your mirror to improve your body image

→ Use your mirror to improve your body image. While your mirror may also be a tool for you to criticize your body, you can learn to use your mirror to improve your body image. Every time you look at yourself in the mirror, identify something that you like about your body and say it out loud.

→ For example, you could simply say, “I like the way my shoulders look in this top.”

→ If you can’t think of anything to say or you don’t enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror, you can still use this technique. Just stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself, and say, “You’re awesome!” Say it like you mean it even if you don’t believe it yet. Repeat this daily until you become more comfortable with looking at yourself and noticing things that you like about your body.

Say positive things to yourself

→ Say positive things to yourself. If you have a poor body image, you may be used to saying negative things to yourself. Changing the way that you speak to yourself can also help to improve the way that you see your body. The next time you have a negative thought about your body, contradict it.

→ For example, if you catch yourself thinking something like, “I am fat and ugly and no one likes me,” turn it around. Say to yourself, “I have pretty eyes and hair and I am a great friend.” Contradicting yourself may be hard at first, but the more that you practice, the easier it will become.

Post body-positive sticky notes around your house

→ Post body-positive sticky notes around your house. Little reminders placed all around your house may also help improve your body image. You can follow the example of major campaigns like Operation Beautiful and post positive sticky notes around your house. The more you see these positive messages about your body, the more you will start to believe them.

→ Some things you might write on the sticky notes include, “You are beautiful!” “Your body is powerful!” or “You have a wonderful smile!” Use your imagination to come up with body-positive messages that you want to hear.

Limit your media exposure

→ Limit your media exposure. Constant exposure to images of perfect bodies and messages about how you are imperfect will have a negative impact on your body image. Magazines, television, and many websites include these types of images and messages, so do your best to avoid them while you work on improving your body image.

→ Try to keep your media exposure to a minimum or even go on a media fast, where you steer clear of all forms of media for a day or more.

Surround yourself with positive people

→ Surround yourself with positive people. Other people can also have a big impact on the way that you see yourself. If you have fallen into a group of friends who often criticize your body or their own bodies, it may be time for a change. You can also try talking to your friends about their negative comments.

Be supportive of other people

→ Be supportive of other people. As you work to transform your own body image into a more positive one, you can also help others to do the same. You can support your friends by making positive comments to them and striving to be a role model. Do and say things that reflect your own positive body image and build up others as well.

Part 3 - Taking Care of Your Body

Exercise your body

→ Exercise your body. Exercise has many health benefits and research has shown that exercise can even improve the way that we feel about our bodies. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and incorporate it into your lifestyle. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day to reap the benefits of exercise.

Nourish your body with healthy food

→ Nourish your body with healthy food. Certain foods, such as those high in carbohydrates and fat, can cause you to become sluggish and negatively affect your mood. Foods that can improve your mood are those that are low in fat and release their energy slowly. These foods give energy for sustained periods of time and do not carry the risk of weight gain, bloating, and irritability; they can also lead to stronger hair and nails that can improve your overall self-image.

Get plenty of rest

→ Get plenty of rest. Not getting enough sleep can affect the way that your body performs as well as your emotions. The combination of these effects may have a negative impact on your attempts to improve your body image. Make sure that you are getting eight hours of sleep per night to feel your best as you work towards a more positive body image.

Dress your body well

→ Dress your body well. What you wear may also affect the way that you view your body, so it is worthwhile to choose clothes that make you feel good. Make sure that the clothing you wear fits your body well and looks nice. Don’t put off buying yourself new clothes until you feel better about your body. Treat yourself to a new outfit to send the message to yourself that you are worth it.


→ Consider purchasing a body image workbook or self-help book to help guide you through improving your body image.


→ Seek help as soon as possible if you have developed an eating disorder or if you feel like you are in danger of developing an eating disorder.

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