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Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 4, 2019

How to Sleep when Stressed

Stress can interfere with getting a good night’s rest, which can make you feel even more stressed the next day. If stress has been keeping you up at night, it is important to deal with your stress and get back to a regular sleep schedule. There are several things that you can do to counter nighttime stress, such as developing a bedtime ritual, eating foods that help promote good sleep, and using aromatherapy. Keep reading to learn more about how to sleep when stressed.

Part 1 - Busting Your Stress

Understand why stress keeps you up at night

→ Understand why stress keeps you up at night. Stress is a physical response to something that might harm you in some way. In other words, it is your body’s way of protecting you from a perceived threat. People respond to stress in different ways. Some people go into what is known as “fight” mode when they are stressed, which causes them to become angry and agitated. Others may go into what is known as the “flight” mode and become withdrawn and depressed. Still others may go into “freeze” mode and seem incapable of doing anything when they are stressed. Depending on how you respond to stress, it may keep you up at night.

→ For example, you may see failing an exam as a threat to your academic goals and go into “fight” mode. Therefore, your body may react by causing you to feel stressed so that you stay up late and study hard. But after you have finished studying, the effects of stress may wear on and keep you up at night. In this way, stress can be both beneficial and harmful. While you may benefit from studying, you still need your rest to function well.

Identify the cause of your stress

→ Identify the cause of your stress. If you are so stressed that you cannot sleep, it is important to pinpoint the cause(s) of your stress. Figuring out what is bothering you and doing what you can to deal with the problem may help you to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. Consider what you are stressed about and how you can resolve the problem.

→ For example, if you are feeling stressed because of an upcoming exam, you may help to soothe your stress by studying well before the exam rather than waiting until the night before to cram.

→ If you are dealing with something that is beyond your control, such as an illness, you may be able to soothe your stress by talking about the problem with a trusted friend or writing about it in a journal.

Journal about your stresses earlier in the day

→ Journal about your stresses earlier in the day. Journaling is a helpful way to handle things that you can’t control but still may stress about, such as other people’s feelings or one day getting eaten by a freak land-shark in the middle of Kansas (worry isn’t necessarily rational). Try getting out all of your worries on paper. This can often provide an immediate sense of relief.

→ Ask yourself whether what’s stressing you out is a “what if.” These are the uncontrollable thoughts, like land-sharks in Kansas. Are you posing a hypothetical? Is it beyond what you could control? Remind yourself that you cannot control anything but your own actions and responses. This can help you set those other worries free.

→ Ask yourself whether you are worrying about someone else’s actions or feelings. You can’t control anyone’s actions other than your own, but this likely doesn’t stop you from worrying about other people sometimes. Try acknowledging that you are worried but reminding yourself that you aren’t responsible for anyone other than yourself, like so: “I’m stressed about my job. I think my boss may fire me. I can’t control what he does. He is unfriendly and aggressive, even though I always do my best. I don’t even like working there because he’s so unpleasant. Rather than just worrying, I am going to put out some applications for a new job tomorrow.” By letting go of your need to control others, you allow yourself to let go of the stress that accompanies that need.


→ Problem-solve. If you have determined that the stress is due to something that you can address, try writing out a list of some options for addressing it. Actively problem-solving can help you feel like you are making progress toward solving the source of your stress, rather than allowing yourself to get stuck in a negative feedback loop.

→ For example, if you’re worried about that huge test tomorrow, consider whether it would address your stress for you to study more. Are you really likely to learn a lot more between now and the test by cramming? Science says no. However, you could take action for the rest of the class by deciding to speak with your teacher or find a tutor in the subject. These will not necessarily help you ace the test, but they are decisions that can help you stop stressing about your overall performance in the class.

→ People also often worry about big things such as their relationships and jobs at night, because they finally have the free time to think about them. Resolve to handle what’s causing you stress the next day (or the next week, or however long you need to make a plan). For example: “I’m really stressed about my boyfriend. He doesn’t talk to me as much as he did. I will speak with him tomorrow and ask what’s going on.”

→ Once you have resolved on your action, let it go. You know what you are going to do about your stress tomorrow. You can’t do anything else tonight, so let yourself relax and sleep so you’ll be better prepared to put your plan into action.

Set a “worry break

→ Set a “worry break.” Telling yourself to “stop stressing out” can be about as effective as telling yourself not to think about white elephants. Instead of trying to suppress your stress, give yourself a short, set period of time earlier in the day during which you can worry away.

→ Make sure not to let the period become too long, or you risk falling into rumination, that obsessive process in which your thoughts just repeat over and over without addressing anything.

→ Try to puzzle out what’s worrying you during your worry period. Really run with it. Try writing out a list of everything that’s got you stressed out. You can refer to this list during your daily worry break.

→ Be kind to yourself as you worry. Try not to beat yourself up over your stress. Acknowledge that worry and stress happen to everyone. They’re not a sign that anything is “wrong” with you.

→ Plan to worry later. Sometimes, it can help to tell yourself that you will worry about something later (perhaps during your designated worry break!). This way, you acknowledge that you are feeling stressed, but you’re also able to save that stress to deal with later so you can drift off now.

Plan the next day well before heading to bed

→ Plan the next day well before heading to bed. Some people like to get ready for the following day by making a to-do list, laying out clothes, preparing a lunch, and doing other things to make arrangements for the next day. But it is important to do these things earlier in the day so that you are less likely to be thinking about everything you need to do the following day when you go to bed. Make all of your preparations for the following day at least a few hours before bed so that you have time to wind down after you are done.

Try mindfulness techniques for sleep

→ Try mindfulness techniques for sleep. Mindfulness techniques can help you fight the urge to stress about the past or future by focusing your attention and acceptance on the present moment.

→ The Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA has several guided meditations online in MP3 form, including ones designed specifically to help you sleep.

→ A common mindfulness technique for pre-sleep is the “body scan.” As you lie on your bed, let yourself relax as much as possible. Take deep, even breaths throughout this exercise.

→ Next, try to focus your senses on what your body is experiencing. Can you sense where your body is in most contact with the bed? What do your sheets feel like? Is the room warm or cold?

→ Bring your notice to your breath. Can you feel it in your body? Can you feel your chest and abdomen rise and fall as you breathe?

→ Redirect your attention -- without judging yourself -- back to your breathing if it wanders. It’s natural for your mind to wander, especially at first. Acknowledge that this has happened and return your focus to your breathing.

→ Scan your attention over your body, beginning with your toes. Do you notice any tension in your body? Relax each group of muscles as you work your attention up your body. All the while, keep taking those deep, even breaths.

→ As you work closer to your head, imagine a sense of deep relaxation coming over your body. Close your eyes as you continue breathing deeply and tell yourself “enjoy your rest.” Then continue to notice the flow of your breath as you drift off.

Consider possible medical reasons why you are str

→ Consider possible medical reasons why you are stressed. There are several medical conditions that may be contributing to your nighttime stress. Conditions like acid reflux disease, restless leg syndrome, and chronic pain may be contributing to your sleep disturbances. If you have a medical condition that you think may be keeping you up at night, talk to your doctor.

→ Ask your doctor about other potential medical conditions that may have caused your night time stress.

Consider getting help from a sleep specialist

→ Consider getting help from a sleep specialist. If you cannot figure out what is bothering you and there is no medical cause for your nighttime stress, consider talking to a sleep specialist who specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to find the cause. A sleep specialist who can do CBT can help you to identify the cause of your nighttime stress and counsel you on specific lifestyle changes to help you sleep better.

Part 2 - Promoting Good Sleep

Establish regular sleeping and waking times

→ Establish regular sleeping and waking times. Set a regular time to go to bed every night and time to get up every morning. Keeping yourself on a regular sleeping pattern will help you to sleep better even if you’re stressed because your body will be used to sleeping at this time every night.

→ Use the time that you need to wake up every morning as your guide for when to go to bed. For example, if you need to get up at 6:30am to be to work on time during the week, make sure that you are in bed by 10:30pm every night.

→ Try to aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. This is the optimal range for adults, but everyone is different. You may function well on more or less sleep.

→ Keep the same bedtime and waking time even on weekends and holidays to keep your body and mind adjusted to that routine.

Develop a bedtime ritual

→ Develop a bedtime ritual. Do the same things every night before you get into bed. Repeating the same activities every night before bedtime will help to teach your brain and body when it’s time to calm down. You might already do basic evening ritual things like washing your face, brushing your teeth and putting on your pajamas, but it’s a good idea to incorporate a relaxing activity into your bedtime ritual as well. For example, you might take a bath, read a book, practice yoga, or listen to some relaxing music.

→ Avoid watching TV or using electronic devices, such as a tablet, laptop, or cell phone, as part of your bedtime ritual. Using electronic devices can cause you to become stressed and have a negative impact on your sleep. The light that these devices emit can also delay your body’s release of melatonin, a hormone that is critical for good sleep.

Make your bedroom as pleasant as possible

→ Make your bedroom as pleasant as possible. Having a pleasing environment is important for a good night’s sleep. If your bedroom is cluttered, dirty, or otherwise unpleasant, it may be causing you stress and making it difficult for you to wind down at night. Your bedroom should be clean, dark, and kept at a cool, comfortable temperature.

→ Make sure that your mattress, pillows, comforters, and sheets are clean and comfortable as well. Consider investing in some new ones if they are not comfortable or pleasing to look at.

→ Consider using a pleasant room spray or oil diffuser to help make your bedroom smell nice.

→ Use light blocking curtains to keep your room dark if you have a lot of outside light coming into your room.

Reduce sleep disrupting sounds in your bedroom

→ Reduce sleep disrupting sounds in your bedroom. Your bedroom should be a quiet environment. Having lots of noise coming in from the outside or from your devices may make you feel more stressed and disrupt your sleep. Do what you can to minimize noise coming into your bedroom from outside, such as investing in noise reducing curtains or using earplugs while you sleep.

→ Silence your cell phone and other devices so that you won’t be disturbed while you are sleeping.

→ White noise can help to counter noise pollution by adding a new steady sound for you to focus on. This steady noise will also make outside noises seem quieter. If you want some white noise in the background to sleep, try a fan or a white noise machine.

Part 3 - Using Diet and Exercise to Help You Sleep

Eat your last meal of the day at least two hours

→ Eat your last meal of the day at least two hours before bed. Having a full stomach can keep you awake for hours. You should also avoid eating spicy, rich, or heavy food before bedtime because these foods are harder for your body to digest and may make it hard to fall asleep.

→ If you are hungry before bed, have a light snack, such as a half of a turkey sandwich, a small bowl of low sugar cereal with low-fat milk, or a banana.

Eat a dinner that promotes sleep

→ Eat a dinner that promotes sleep. Certain foods disrupt sleep while other foods may help promote good sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping due to stress, you may be able to help yourself relax by eating sleep promoting foods. What you eat for dinner and in the evening hours will influence the quality of your sleep the most, so it is important to choose wisely.

→ Choose lean protein over fatty protein. Lean proteins like chicken, turkey, and fish are high in tryptophan, which increases serotonin levels and may help you sleep better. Fatty protein such as sausage, cheese, and fried meats are harder to digest and may keep you up at night.

→ Choose whole grains over processed ones. Brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta may help promote good sleep. White rice, white pasta, white bread, and other simple carbohydrates reduce your serotonin levels and may affect your sleep.

→ Avoid sweets and added sugar in the evenings. It can cause you to stay awake.

Watch your caffeine intake

→ Watch your caffeine intake. Caffeine is a stimulant that can remain in your body 8-14 hours after you drink it. This means that having a coffee with dinner can keep you up at night. To reduce the chance of having trouble sleeping due to caffeine, stop drinking all caffeinated beverages at least eight hours before your bedtime. Coffee, black tea, cola, and hot cocoa are some examples of beverages that contain caffeine, but check the label on anything that you drink in the afternoon and evening to be sure.

Drink a cup of herbal tea before bed

→ Drink a cup of herbal tea before bed. A hot cup of tea is a great relaxation aid that can promote a good night's sleep. You can incorporate a hot cup of herbal tea into your bedtime ritual as a nice way to wind down in the evening. Just make sure that you choose a tea that is caffeine-free. Read the package to be sure.

→ Chamomile tea is a great choice for calming down at night. For many people, it works like a mild sleep aid. Don't use chamomile if you're pregnant or allergic to daisies or ragweed.

Get regular exercise

→ Get regular exercise. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress. Plus, regular exercise has been shown to help promote healthier sleeping habits. If you don’t exercise already, aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day to help reduce stress and promote good sleep.

→ Try taking a brisk walk a few hours before bedtime or doing a workout video when you wake up in the morning.

→ Make sure you exercise at least 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the exercise can keep you awake.

Talk to your doctor about taking a melatonin supp

→ Talk to your doctor about taking a melatonin supplement. Melatonin is a hormone that your body makes to help you fall asleep. It has been found to be effective as a sleep aid and it is effective if taken at a low dose for a short time period. Even though melatonin is available without a prescription, it is important to talk to your doctor before you begin taking it. The required dosage amounts vary widely from person to person, ranging from 0.2-20 mg. Your doctor can advise you on whether or not melatonin is a good choice for you. Be aware that melatonin has some side effects including:

→ grogginess or sleepiness after waking

→ vivid dreams

→ lower body temperature

→ changes in blood pressure

Ask your doctor about herbal remedies

→ Ask your doctor about herbal remedies. There are several herbs that may help you sleep better. However, because these herbs can interact with medications and existing medical conditions, you should always consult with your doctor before starting any treatment, including herbal remedies. Here are a few you could ask your doctor about:

→ Valerian root. Valerian can help you relax and fall asleep faster. It may take a few weeks to begin to work optimally. You can take it as a tea or powdered extract.

→ Passionflower. Passionflower tends to be more mild than valerian. It can interact with MAOIs, blood thinners, and sedatives, so talk to your doctor if you are on any of these medications. You can take it as a tea or in an extract.

Part 4 - Relaxing the Mind and Body

Practice progressive muscle relaxation

→ Practice progressive muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation is one of the simplest relaxation techniques. The process helps you learn how to relax your muscles by first putting tension on muscles and then focusing on the feeling of the muscles relaxing as you release the tension. You should spend about five minutes doing this, but do not tense each limb for more than 5 or 6 seconds.

→ Start by spending a few minutes just watching your breathing, or something else such as the feeling of the bed linen or mattress.

→ Focus on your arms and hands and tense them as tightly as you can for a few seconds. Do not tense them if they are painful, or if they will cause you pain. Spend a few seconds watching the tension, then as you breathe out, relax them. Feel the arms slowly relax and feel heavy. If your arms feel pleasant, spend a few seconds or minutes focusing simply on that pleasant feeling. If you wish, you can move on to the next part.

→ Next focus on your legs, ankles, and feet and tense them. Spend time watching the tension and how it feels. Then relax them. Let go of any tension. Allow them to become heavy and relax into the mattress. Feel the bed linens and be aware that it is time for sleep.

→ From here, focus on other body sections such as the buttocks, the back of the body, the front of the body, the shoulders, and the head. Tense each group, then on an exhale, relax them, each time allowing them to become heavy.

Use aromatherapy

→ Use aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can be helpful to reduce stress and promote good sleep. Put a few drops of essential oil in a humidifier or diffuser to disperse the smell throughout your bedroom. You can also try burning an aromatherapy candle just before bed, or taking a bath with aromatherapy bath salts.

→ Aromatherapy with lavender essential oil has been found to help relax the body and aid with insomnia. Roman chamomile oil is also a good choice.

→ Some essential oil companies sell oil blends, candles, and other products designed to help promote good sleep.

Spend the hours before bed relaxing

→ Spend the hours before bed relaxing. Your mind and body need time to wind down. Therefore, spend 1-2 hours before bedtime relaxing. This can include a variety of relaxing activities. Just make sure to avoid overstimulating your brain and body.

→ Take a warm shower or bath before you sleep. Soaking in a warm bath can relax muscles and your mind. Add some Epsom salts to your bath. It contains magnesium that can be absorbed through your skin, which can promote sleep.

→ Read. Spend some time reading a pleasure novel before bed.

→ Try stretching exercises or gentle yoga that can relax the body. Soft or low intensity massage or Tai Chi can also help some people. If one of these activities keeps you up, try a different one next time.

→ Try meditating. Meditation can help in some cases. Breath meditation (often referred to as "Anapanasati") is effective for sleep as it keeps the mind anchored to the breath, rather than chasing after thoughts and anxieties.

Leave the room if you cannot sleep

→ Leave the room if you cannot sleep. To avoid making your room a stressful place, leave your bedroom if you cannot sleep. Don't lay in bed and surf the internet, talk on the phone, or stress about not being able to sleep. Go into another part of the house and try to do something that will help you get back to sleep. Don't reenter your bedroom until you are tired and ready to sleep.

→ Leave your room after 20 minutes of tossing and turning. Do something relaxing, then return.


→ Only use your bedroom for sleeping and sex. Avoid working or doing other activities in your bedroom.

→ If you can’t fall asleep after trying for about 15 minutes, do something calming like reading a book by dim light or listening to soothing music.

→ Quit smoking or using other nicotine containing products. At the very least, avoid using nicotine containing products in the evening. Nicotine is a stimulant that can keep you up at night.

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