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Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 4, 2019

How to Enjoy Downtime

Ah, downtime––whether it's the weekend, a holiday, or just a quick coffee break, here are some tips everyone should know before diving into a fulfilling period of time dedicated to doing––or not doing––whatever you want!

Before you start enjoying your downtime, ask your

→ Before you start enjoying your downtime, ask yourself a few questions about what you're expecting to get out of your downtime. For example:

→ Do I want to do something productive, just have fun and hang out, or catch a few Zs? Do I want to mix active and active options?

→ Is there someone who'd like to share downtime with me?

→ Is there something I've been meaning to do for a long time? Something I've missed?

→ Am I on a money or time budget? Does a budget even matter for my idea of downtime?

Jot down a few downtime options so you have a goo

→ Jot down a few downtime options so you have a good idea of what you want to accomplish and how much time to dedicate to each activity. Only write down one to four items so that you won't feel overwhelmed and you'll only spend a little bit of time coming up with ideas.

→ If you have trouble thinking of things to do, call up a few friends or family, read a book and follow up with a cat nap, or visit a local or far-away park or museum. Effectively, use some downtime to plan future downtime!

→ If you don't like the idea of completely forgoing work or chores to include downtime into your life, consider rewarding work completion with a bit of play so it won't seem as hard letting yourself enter the downtime zone. For example, send out a few emails before playing Ultimate Frisbee with your dog.

Schedule the downtime

→ Schedule the downtime. Many people avoid downtime because they haven't scheduled it into their busy lives. Yet, quiet or non-work/chore related time is essential because it gives you the space to reflect on your life, make plans and relive the best of your life through memories. Having a due date and time for taking downtime scheduled into your diary will help you get the most out of your downtime.

→ If you're worried about losing track of time and giving yourself too much downtime, think of an exact time when your downtime ends. Set an alarm if it will help you remember when to come down from cloud nine!

Say no

→ Say no. Say no to the extra pile of work, the additional work hours, the yet-one-more chore. These things aren't going anywhere and you need to take a break. Decline to keep going with or taking on anything that drains you. Remind yourself that you are in charge of your life and that it is okay to say no to other people sometimes, so that you can make room for you. You will feel liberated, which in itself is a very enjoyable and restoring feeling.

Stop thinking of excuses, get down to business, a

→ Stop thinking of excuses, get down to business, and focus on living to the fullest. Let leisure into your life and stop telling yourself there isn't enough time or that something else is preventing you from having your downtime. It's the telling yourself that there isn't enough time that is creating that reality for you, so now you're doing the opposite and telling yourself that there is time! Just do it!

→ If you feel that other people or situations are preventing you from taking downtime, return to the step on saying no, as well as managing around these issues by coming up with solutions. For example, feel like you can't take time out because your kids won't do the house chores while you're not there? Draw up a chore chart for them to check off weekly with built-in rewards. And then take off that downtime you need!

Allow yourself to sink into the moment

→ Allow yourself to sink into the moment. Once you're in downtime, it's "me time" and a good time to notice the now. Just think about what you're doing now and where you are now and push aside all thoughts about elsewhere and non-related things. Enjoy the smell, taste, feel, sights and sounds of wherever you are, embracing them for all the sensations they bring to your senses.

→ If work or chores creep back into your mind, gently acknowledge the thoughts before sending them packing. By objectively recognizing them for interfering thoughts, you can be gentle on yourself and remind yourself that they are not welcome in your downtime space.

Sleep in once in a while

→ Sleep in once in a while. Go on, you're dared. It won't hurt you. It will envelop you in warmth, coziness and a good sense of relaxation. This downtime is an important way of telling yourself that you're not going to keep doing what you think you "should" be doing. Sometimes you need to break that mold.

Be idle for a weekend

→ Be idle for a weekend. That's right. No laundering, floor mopping, meal making, tidying or sheet changing. These things are never done and they can be done either before or after your lazy weekend. Buy your meals, soak in the bath a lot and read, watch movies and go for long, directionless strolls. This scheduled weekend is doable because you have put it in your diary and promised yourself this luxury, so put away the guilt. The only rule about this weekend is to let yourself do whatever is fun––and nothing else.

Escape elsewhere through reading

→ Escape elsewhere through reading. Reading is a great way to find yourself some downtime. Just be sure that it's not work or study reading though! Choose juicy, thrilling or moving fiction, excitingly informative fiction or a book of poems. Escape into the worlds and minds of others for a while and savor this downtime that both relaxes and teaches all at once.

Switch off

→ Switch off. Distance yourself from the world's buzzing for a time now and then. Turn off the TV, stop reading the news, put the phone through to voicemail and don't answer those emails. Taking out some time to let the calmer side of life re-enter through simply listening, observing and not working yourself up with an overload of information intake is vital for rejuvenation. The news and emails will still be there post-downtime.

Grab a pal

→ Grab a pal. If you'd like to have some downtime with a special someone or a group of friends, organize it in advance. Whether it's just lying down with a best friend and star spotting or playing paintball games at the local paintball emporium, having someone with you during downtime can be a great source of uplifting fun.


→ If something isn't perfect, don't freak out. So what if it's raining? Water never hurt anyone, and now is as good a time as any to break out the rain boots and umbrella. If watery weather will still really ruin your day, there are still a zillion things to do that will still bring about downtime, like: Solve a jigsaw puzzle, snuggle up with a book, or try yoga.

→ Slow down. Whatever you're doing, downtime can be as simple as slowing down and noticing every chew, every pen stroke, every tap into your phone. Stop multitasking and start noticing what you're actually doing.

→ If you live or work somewhere that isn't conducive to downtime, get out and find somewhere that is. Visit a local park, a nature reserve, the library, a quiet place, a fun place, etc. to enjoy yourself the most. Where you like to be may depend on whether you're an extrovert or an introvert––do you want to be completely alone or do you need to be around other people to draw renewed energy from?

→ Watch your pet. Our pampered companion animals know how to make the most of downtime; take a leaf out of their book.

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