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Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 3, 2019

How to Manifest Your Desires

Everybody has dreams they would love to pursue. More often than not however, people are left to accept something less than that. Real life gets in the way, and the goals themselves appear too big to be tackled realistically. It doesn't have to be that way. While there is no single proven way to go about manifesting one's desires, most would agree it begins with a great attitude, and a clear idea of where you'd like to be. Living out your dreams usually entails building your perspective and way of life from the ground up, but it can be done.

Part 1 - Visualizing Your Success

Reflect on your life thus far

→ Reflect on your life thus far. All of your current desires ultimately stem from who you are as a person, and where you've already been. Before you get on to imagining goals for the future, it's important to have a strong idea of where you already are in life. Set some time aside to ponder who you are, and what you've already done at this point.

→ Would you say you're satisfied with the way your life has turned out? What aspects are you most or least satisfied with? Is there a significant gap between your potential and the life you're currently living? Asking yourself these questions will give you a clearer shot at pinpointing your goals.

→ It's helpful to actually write a few paragraphs about yourself. Frame this as a sort of freewriting exercise. Don't try to edit or micromanage your writing. Give an earnest portrayal of where you're at, including the status of your work, school, hobbies and personal life. Don't be afraid to be extremely personal with it-- no one ever needs to read it but you.

Visualize the life you want

→ Visualize the life you want. After having analyzed your current life, it's not a far stretch to envision the things you'd like to see done differently. Think about the life you have, and use that as a springboard to imagine your ideal life. What would be different? Break down your dream life into aspects-- work, love, social etc. Write a sentence at least for each applicable aspect of your life. Mapping it out as a thought web is helpful as well.

→ The difference between your real life and your ideal life should be the basis for the goals you have for yourself.

→ For example, for describing one aspect of your life, you might write: "I would like to see myself making music on a regular basis and playing concerts for a group of adoring fans."

→ A more practical example might be: "I would like to see myself gain a position at my company where I'm doing work that satisfies and properly challenges me."

Set your goals down on paper

→ Set your goals down on paper. When you write something down, you make it clear and more defined. If you're already looking to manifest your desires, it's likely you already have some goals in mind. If not, look to the distinction between your real and ideal life as a foundation for your goal making. Putting your goals on paper will make them tangible and concrete. You can write as many goals as you desire, so long as you keep your own human limitations in mind and don't bite off more than you can chew.

→ While you're pursuing these goals in the future, it's a helpful trick to post your goal list somewhere you'll see it every day, such as your refrigerator or next to your bed.

→ Draw out a map if you're more of a visual type. The outline of goals need not look like anything in particular; what's important is that your goals are clearly stated and defined.

Note your existing talents and skills

→ Note your existing talents and skills. Looking at the circumstances of your life is not usually enough. If you want to find a realistic way to manifest your desires, you need to look at what you have got to offer yourself. Just about everyone has got something they're particularly good at. Write down a list of five things you at least consider yourself 'better than average' at. Cross-reference your existing skills with the goals you have. Will any of them directly help you fulfill your goals? If not, you'll have to work on learning skills that will.

→ Fortunately, skills and passions tend to line up more often than not. If you want to be a great painter, for instance, you will gladly take the time to hone your skills.

→ It is helpful to write the applicable skills next to the goals you have listed. Some of these will be obvious, but it's a good idea to think of indirectly beneficial skills as well. For instance, a musician requires good musicianship to succeed, but he'll also most likely require teamwork and a keen business sense to get ahead in today's industry.

Outline methods to achieve your goals

→ Outline methods to achieve your goals. Goals left by themselves are intangible. In order to make your dreams a reality, you will need a clear, and above all, realistic gameplan to reach them by. Everyone is used to having wild dreams, but a real achiever will keep the practical means in mind while thinking about his desires. At the visualization stage, it is enough to write a couple of sentences on how you're going to reach each of your goals.

→ For example, if for one of your goals you have written "I would like to act in movies", something you might write as a method would be: "I am going to start sending my resume and talent info to agents, take bit parts and get my name out there."

→ If you're having trouble finding a specific method to reach a given goal, it's possible your goal isn't specific enough. For instance, writing a goal as vague as "Be successful!" is going to leave you in the dust when it comes to thinking up tangible methods. Rather, try to focus it in so that you might better grasp a means of reaching it. Possible changes could be "Be more successful with musical performance" or "Be more successful in my personal relationships."

Be realistic

→ Be realistic. Above all, be realistic about what you're trying to do. Simply willing something to happen isn't going to make your dreams come true. The most successful people are always ambitious, but never set their sights too high to be possibly achieved. Thinking up big goals without making them tangible will make you feel good at first, but you'll quickly lose focus once it becomes clear there is no proper way to reach them.

→ This can be a bit of a tightrope act. Though you want to be realistic with the goals you're setting yourself, you don't want to be so unambitious that the goals fall short of what you actually desire. Goals that don't push you out of your comfort zone are not going to give you a sense of satisfaction when you reach them. Set your sights just out of reach; that way, you'll have to push the envelope to reach them.

Part 2 - Maximizing Your Potential

Get enough sleep

→ Get enough sleep. If you really want to manifest your desires, you need to be the best version of yourself first. One thing that most people tend to fall short of is sleep. Sleep as part of a healthy life cannot be underestimated. While sleep is often the first thing that's cut into when big things are happening in our lives, you need to commit to a regular schedule that's going to keep you energized throughout the day.

→ Somewhere between the 6-8 hour limit is optimal. Anything less starves your body of energy. Anything more eats up after-hours time you should be spending pursuing your dreams.

Eat a balanced diet

→ Eat a balanced diet. If you are getting enough sleep but still somehow feel tired, it's near-certain that diet factors into the equation somehow. Take a good look at the stuff you're eating. Are you giving your body due respect? Depending on your current diet, there may be some obvious things you should be doing without. Sticking to a whole foods-based diet is your best bet, but you should take some time to work out a diet plan that suits you. Strike a balance that sufficiently compromises between your desired food and responsible, healthy eating.

→ Read up on nutritional sciences. Do your research. Don't take fad diets for granted. It's much better to do your own legwork and find out for yourself what works best for you. T. Colin Campbell's The China Study is a good place to start if you're interested in learning about the correlation between health and common food products.

→ Upping your water consumption is an easy and effective way of boosting energy throughout the day. Buying a refillable water bottle and carrying it around with you will make an instantly recognizable difference in the way you feel.

→ Cut down on so-called "empty calories" such as fast food and soda pop. Go without them completely if you can. These may make you feel good when you're having them, but the immediate impact they have on your mood and energy level take a major toll.

Exercise regularly

→ Exercise regularly. Good exercise should go in tandem with healthy eating as part of a strong, balanced lifestyle. Even by going running for half an hour in the morning, your body will reward you with clearer thinking and greater energy throughout the day. A lot of the time people feel their 'ideal life' is beyond their reach, physical health and appearance plays a part in it. Giving your body the time and care it deserves will make you look closer to the person you want to be.

→ To start, light to moderate cardio like running will give you a taste of the benefits exercise can offer you. If you want to up the ante a bit, give regular swimming a try.

→ A gym membership can be rather costly, but the monthly fee may be enough to keep you coming back and exercising more.

→ Strength training should not be underrated either. Particularly in the case of men, performing exercises that encourage muscle growth (like weight lifting) will promote testosterone in your system, thus improving your mood and mental clarity.

Develop self-confidence

→ Develop self-confidence. The most glaring risk in pursuing your dreams is that you'll lose focus halfway through and give up. The most direct way to circumvent this is by developing a strong sense of self-confidence. With self-confidence, you'll be able to depend on yourself when the going gets tough. Of course, self-confidence is something that takes a lot more than words to truly feel. Though easier said than done, there are lots of exercises you can do to boost your sense of self-worth.

→ Make a list of ten things you like about yourself. It can be anything-- your hair, your mathematical ability, your taste in music. The ten things can be significant or trivial. It doesn't matter, so long as you truly believe them. Once the list is in place, you should think about each of those things, and acknowledge that there is legitimate worth in having each one of those qualities.

→ Smiling in the mirror is a proven method of improving mood of feelings of self-worth. Smiling for 60 seconds in the mirror each morning and stretching out your arms will trigger a positive neurological reaction in your head, flooding your brain with feelings of warmth and acceptance. It's not a 'be all end all' approach to self-confidence, but it should get you started.

→ Quash negative thought projections when you notice them brewing. Negative thoughts often become cycles, and part of self-confidence means negating the thoughts that will make you feel otherwise. Even if you think the feelings themselves are rational, acknowledge that there is no point in thinking them in the first place. It's a difficult mental skill to master, but one that will mean a huge difference in your overall self-confidence when done correctly.

Part 3 - Making Your Dreams Come True

Prioritize the things you want most

→ Prioritize the things you want most. Unfortunately, you probably won't have enough time in your life to experience everything you want. With that in mind, the most important step towards manifesting your desires is to prioritize the ones you'd like to see manifested the most. Of the things you invest time in most in your life, do any of them currently line up with your biggest dreams? If not, rearrange the time you spend in such a way that it does line up.

→ Certain obligations, like work or school, may get in the way of you investing your full time in things you're interested in. You can still find ways of maximizing these experiences as well, however. If you're unhappy with your current job, you should try to look for something that's at least related to something you're passionate about.

Break your big goals into smaller ones

→ Break your big goals into smaller ones. If your desires are big enough to affect your life in a significant way, there's no way you'll be able to tackle them without breaking them down into easy parts. Much as a novel is divided into chapters, you want to take your goals and approach them one step at a time. For some, this might involve taking things back to the drawing board and slowly working yourself up to the point where the end goal is finally within your reach.

→ Breaking a big goal into smaller pieces will also mean you get to experience the satisfaction of accomplishment earlier on. This will keep you feeling motivated to push forward.

→ For instance, if one of your goals is "Become a great musician", breaking that goal into chunks might entail scheduled practice times, as well as small milestones to guide you along. Practicing an hour a day may be good if it's important enough to you. Smaller goals may include learning a song, writing a song, playing for a small group of friends, and recording a piece of music on the computer.

Minimize wasted time

→ Minimize wasted time. Procrastination is a looming curse in the age of distractions. You can probably think of many ways you are distracted throughout the day. Idle chat, social media and excess TV all sap away time that would much rather be put towards working on your goals. At the end of the day, you won't remember any of the idle things you did, but you will remember the time you spent working hard.

Be persistent and consistent

→ Be persistent and consistent. Persistence is the keyword when it comes to realizing anyone's dreams. Set a firm amount of time you'll invest each day in your dreams. Even if it's just an hour or two at the start, the time will add up if you stick to it every day. Something like an hour won't feel like anything on its own, but by the end of a month, thirty hours will have gone by. That is enough time to get you closer towards just about any goal.

→ Be firm with your persistence, and be hard on yourself if you need to be. Your dreams are worth pursuing, and a day spent idly is another day stuck between you and reaching them.

→ Keep track of what you've accomplished so far. A long-term effort requires regular affirmation. By keeping track of what you've accomplished so far, you'll have a consistent sense of achievement. This satisfaction will keep you pressing onward.


→ Regain your momentum when you slip up. It is inevitable that you'll falter from time to time. Even the hardest working individual will have episodes (sometimes lasting days or weeks) that will halt progress. While it may be discouraging to see this reversal, you can't let it get to you.

→ Show gratitude for everything you already have. Making goals is a healthy part of life, and you'll feel that much more encouraged to keep going if you cherish the things you already have.


→ Don't let pursuing your desires get in the way of appreciating your life as it is. Your life has many things in it already that warrant respect and admiration. Keeping your sights purely focused on the future will blind you to the great things already in your life. Strike a firm balance between appreciating what you have, and striving for better things.

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