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Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 3, 2019

How to Handle Winter Allergies

Many people believe that allergies are worse during the spring and summer months; however, allergies can occur in the wintertime too. Because the winter often involves spending more time indoors, people with allergies to dust, mold, and pets may have a harder time coping and handling their allergy symptoms. The best way to handle winter allergies is to minimize your exposure to the allergens and to use medication to treat any persistent symptoms as needed.

Method 1 - Handling Indoor Allergies

Minimize your exposure to dust and dust mites

→ Minimize your exposure to dust and dust mites. Dust and dust mites are common indoor allergens, so when winter comes (and you spend more time indoors) these allergy symptoms may worsen. The best way to combat the allergy symptoms is to prevent (or minimize) your exposure to the allergen in the first place. Strategies to reduce the dust and dust mites in your home include:

→ Purchase a HEPA air filter. This can help to clear dust out of the air, and hence reduce your allergy symptoms.

→ Wash your bedding at least once a week in hot water. This can help to prevent the accumulation of dust and dust mites.

→ Also use allergy-proof covers on your mattress and pillow covers to reduce the accumulation of dust and dust mites.

→ Vacuum any carpets in the home at least twice a week, and clean any surfaces that gather dust regularly. Use a wet paper towel or sponge to clean these surfaces — a duster will just cause the dust to recirculate and settle again.

Get rid of any mold around your home

→ Get rid of any mold around your home. Another common allergen that can worsen during the wintertime (due to its presence indoors) is mold. Mold grows in damp places, such as around leaks in roofs or pipes, in the shower or bathroom, or anywhere with moisture. Strategies to reduce your exposure to mold include:

→ Throw out any shower curtains, carpets, or other things in your home that have mold on them. If you spot mold on something, your best bet is just to get rid of it. The longer it lingers in your home, the more of a chance there is for mold spores to get into the air and to worsen your allergy symptoms.

→ Use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity in your home to less than 50%. Because mold thrives with greater moisture and humidity, this can help to prevent mold problems from developing in your home.

Practice good hygiene with your pet

→ Practice good hygiene with your pet. Both pets and people may spend more time indoors during the winter, so if you are allergic to dogs or cats you may find that your allergy symptoms worsen during the colder months. If you have severe pet allergies, consider getting a non-hairy pet instead such as a fish or lizard. If you only have mild pet allergies and are seeking to manage them as best as possible, you can try:

→ Washing your pet at least once a week. This is because, contrary to popular belief, pet hair is not the most common allergen; rather, it is pet dander (dead skin cells that naturally shed from your pet). For this reason, bathing your pet can help to diminish the dander and reduce your allergy symptoms.

→ Keeping your pet out of the bedroom. Because you spend quite a bit of time in the bedroom every night, as well as the fact that bedrooms are often carpeted, keeping your pet out can prevent pet dander from accumulating in your bedroom. This, in turn, can help to alleviate your allergy symptoms.

Plan for the holidays

→ Plan for the holidays. As the holidays approach, there are some additional steps you can take to handle your allergies and prevent them from getting out of control. These include:

→ Getting an artificial Christmas tree because real trees have the potential to grow mold. Some people are also allergic to the fragrance of a real tree.

→ If you do get a real tree, consider washing it thoroughly with water outdoors before you bring it in and decorate it.

→ If you are visiting relatives for the holidays who have a pet (and you are allergic), plan appropriately by asking for a room as far away as possible from the pet, and by bringing allergy medications as needed.

→ Be aware of the rebound effect if you are not spending the holidays with your own pet. Some people, after being away from their pet for several days, return home only to find that their allergy to their own pet has worsened. This is due to a decreased tolerance in your immune system following your absence.

→ Understand that stress can trigger allergy symptoms such as hives or asthma. Try to stay as relaxed as possible over the holidays, and take steps to lighten your workload during the holidays (such as preparing some of the dishes for big dinners in advance).

Know that a runny nose from being outdoors is not

→ Know that a runny nose from being outdoors is not an allergy. Some people confuse the runny nose they get from being outside in the cold with a winter allergy when, in fact, the two are not related. A runny nose in the cold is a vasomotor (physiological) response; it may be correlated to changes in temperature (particularly the cold), windy weather, changes in humidity, and strong odors or smoke.

Method 2 - Using Lifestyle Strategies and Natural Remedies

Improve your diet

→ Improve your diet. Eating a healthy diet is recommended by naturopaths as a method to decrease allergy symptoms. Specifically, it is advisable to eat a diet low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates (carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, such as whole grains) to reduce allergy symptoms. Dietary recommendations to help with winter allergies include:

→ Consume plenty of vegetables (particularly dark, leafy greens, carrots, beets, cabbage, and yams), choose carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (such as whole grains and quinoa), and consume spices (such as garlic, ginger, cayenne, and horseradish).

→ Avoid caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, red meat, sugar, and wheat as much as possible.

→ Stay well-hydrated. In addition to a healthy diet, drinking at least eight 8-oz glasses of water daily is important, and more if you are exercising (to compensate for fluid lost in sweat).

Get plenty of rest

→ Get plenty of rest. Rest has been shown to boost your immune system's natural effectiveness, and also to diminish unnecessary stress responses that are tied to allergies. The more well-rested you are, the less your allergies will get out of control. Although this is not a guaranteed "cure" for winter allergies, it is a step in the right direction, and something a naturopath would advise as one of the first things to change.

See an alternative health practitioner

→ See an alternative health practitioner. If you are someone who prefers natural remedies over conventional medical treatments, now may be a good time to book an appointment with your naturopath, your acupuncturist, or another complementary healthcare practitioner. He can provide you with additional information and strategies specific to the winter allergies you are suffering from.

Method 3 - Using Medical Treatments

Try an antihistamine

→ Try an antihistamine. Antihistamines can help to diminish sneezing, sniffling, and itching as a result of winter allergies. These can be purchased over-the-counter at your local pharmacy or drugstore. Examples of antihistamines include Zyrtec (certizine), Claritin (loratadine), Allegra (fexofenadine), and Benadryl (diphenhydramine). Follow the dosing instructions on the bottle.

→ Note that many antihistamines, like Benadryl, can have a sedating effect, making it difficult to function. Look for non-drowsy antihistamines, such as Claritin, Zyrtec, or Allegra (fexofenadine).

Use a decongestant

→ Use a decongestant. If your nasal symptoms are out of control (such as a runny nose and ongoing congestion), you can try using a decongestant. Look for an over-the-counter medication containing phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine, which are decongestant ingredients, and follow the dosing instructions on the bottle.

→ Your best bet is to opt for an over-the-counter pill form of decongestant if you are suffering from symptoms of congestion due to your winter allergies.


→ Use a nasal spray. A nasal spray will usually work faster to treat your allergies than taking a pill. You can get prescription or over-the-counter nasal sprays to treat congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, and itchy throat. You can try a saline spray, which is safe for daily use and can be used by adults and children. Other options include antihistamine sprays, corticosteroids, or decongestant sprays.

→ Antihistamine sprays, such as Astepro (azelastine) and Patanase (olopatadine), are available by prescription. They are effective but may cause drowsiness.

→ Corticosteroid sprays are available over-the-counter or by prescription, and include brands like Flonase (fluticasone proprionate) and Nasonex (mometasone). They reduce swelling and are good for long-term use — you may wish to begin using them at the start of season, as it can take a few days or weeks to notice the full effects of this treatment.

→ Alternatively, you can also use a decongestant nasal spray like Afrin or Dristan (oxymetazoline hydrochloride); however, this is only recommended for short-term use of less than three days, as any longer can lead to "rebound" symptoms of worsened congestion.


→ Always start with the least invasive treatment (such as dietary and environmental changes) and, if those don't have an effect, work up toward the more aggressive treatment (such as shots).

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