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Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 3, 2019

How to Combat Tourette's Stigma

Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder where a person has involuntary movements of the face, arms, legs, or trunk, called tics. Tics are usually frequent and repetitive. People with Tourette’s can also have verbal tics, where they say involuntary phrases or words.[1] Because of the nature of the condition, people with Tourette’s Syndrome can face bullying, discrimination, and other negative attitudes. If you have Tourette’s, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and there are ways you can help combat the stigma attached to the condition.

Method 1 - Embracing Your Tourette’s Syndrome

Find humor in it

→ Find humor in it. One way to help combat the stigma of Tourette’s is to find the humor in it. This means laughing about the unique and sometimes funny tics that accompany the syndrome.

→ Some of the involuntary verbal tics people say are creative and humorous. Just as you would laugh at a joke someone tells, finding humor in the things you say can help you break the stigma on yourself. Acknowledge that you are funny, which is a great part of your personality.

→ This doesn’t mean to laugh at someone because he is different or to make fun of someone. Finding humor in Tourette’s phrases acknowledges that some of the verbal tics can create funny imagery and that’s a good thing instead of laughing at someone who is different.

→ Laughter is a great way to break down the fear or anxiety people might feel about Tourette’s. If a person is unfamiliar with how a person with Tourette’s acts, she may find the tics, verbal outbursts, and uncontrollable motions scary. By approaching your condition with humor, you can help break that fear in someone, which is the first step in acceptance and understanding.

Avoid hiding your true self

→ Avoid hiding your true self. Because people with Tourette’s may get bullied or discriminated against, they hide their condition. Hiding the condition just reinforces the idea that something is wrong with you, when there is nothing wrong with you. You are a unique, wonderful individual who deserves to live a full life being yourself - your whole self.

→ Don’t choose to remain at home instead of going out because you are scared. You have the same right as everyone else to enjoy what the world offers.

→ For places where your tics may be disruptive, talk to the people who run the place. Talk to them about disability accommodations, such as private boxes or VIP seating.

Surround yourself with a support system

→ Surround yourself with a support system. Spending time with family and friends who know about your condition and understand it can help reduce the stigma. When you go out, bring people with you. If strangers see you with your Tourette’s interacting with people, it may help them be less fearful or discriminating.

Find others with Tourette’s

→ Find others with Tourette’s. It may be helpful for you to find other people who have Tourette’s Syndrome. By talking to others, learning how they deal with the condition, and making friends with people who understand you, you can start to accept yourself, remove the stigma from yourself, and learn more about your condition.

→ Try support groups for Tourette's Syndrome.

→ You may also be able to talk to your doctor about finding other people with Tourette's. Some practices have patients who sign privacy waivers giving their doctor permission to share information with other people who have Tourette's.

→ Look online for Tourette's organizations or meet-ups in your area.

Do volunteer work

→ Do volunteer work. Because you have Tourette’s and have unique experiences, this can make you able to understand others better. Volunteer at a local organization. This can be a Tourette’s organization, or something else, like an animal shelter, food pantry, or even a blood drive.

Use your Tourette’s for artistic expression

→ Use your Tourette’s for artistic expression. Instead of looking at your Tourette’s as a shameful disorder, celebrate the uniqueness of the condition. Tourette’s can be a very creative condition, whether it is the words you say or the unique way you move your body. Embrace these parts of yourself.

→ Some organizations encourage people with Tourette’s to draw pictures featuring their tics. This can be an artistic representation of an involuntary phrase you say, or a picture of your tic.

→ Writing, playing music, or engaging in other art forms, such as painting or sculpting may also help.

→ Other people have used their Tourette's as inspiration for dance and theater productions. If you enjoy one of these forms of expression, then you might consider developing a dance routine, monologue, or play based on your Tourette's.

Become knowledgeable

→ Become knowledgeable. Another way to take control of your life and break the stigma of Tourette’s is to research the condition. This includes learning everything you can about Tourette’s, talking to your doctor, and being active in your treatment plan.

Attend a conference

→ Attend a conference. Many foundations have conferences for people with Tourette’s or neurological conditions. Attending these conferences can help you learn more about your condition, along with meeting other people with the condition, learning how to embrace it, and learning how to live a more fulfilling life.

→ Try searching organizations, such as the Tourette’s Association of America and Fox Foundation.

Method 2 - Educating Others About Tourette's Syndrome

Talk to people about your condition

→ Talk to people about your condition. One way you can help eliminate the stigma of Tourette’s is to talk to people about your condition. Fear and stigmas often come from a lack of knowledge and awareness. Talk openly to people about your symptoms and what it’s like living with Tourette’s. Sharing with people that your tics are a part of you and don’t really bother you can help change their perception of Tourette’s.

Address bullying respectfully

→ Address bullying respectfully. If someone is making fun of you or being negative towards you, defend yourself. But make sure to do it respectfully. Use it as a teaching moment. Getting mad and being rude to the person will not change the person’s mind about Tourette’s and remove the stigma, which is your goal.

→ Talk to the person about your condition by explaining what Tourette’s is.

→ Ask the person what bothers him about your tics or why he is scared of you.

→ Use your judgment. Every situation of bullying or discrimination may not be safe or logistically possible to have a conversation. However, you can make small changes by talking to people at work, school, on the bus, or in line at the store.

Be proactive at school

→ Be proactive at school. Some young people don’t want to let their teachers know they have Tourette’s. However, being proactive and telling your teacher may help you in the long run. If a teacher knows you have Tourette’s and you won’t be still or randomly speak, she will be educated enough not to punish you.

→ Providing information to your teacher can help you and her have a better relationship. Plus, you will be educating someone about Tourette’s, which is one step closer to breaking down the stigma.

→ Talk to your class. Or if you are uncomfortable with this, ask your teacher to have a guest speaker come in to the class to talk to the class and educate them about Tourette's Syndrome.

Share your experience via social media

→ Share your experience via social media. One valid way of embracing your Tourette’s is to share your life with the world. This can easily be done via social media. You can use Twitter, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, and Snapchat. By showing your everyday life to the world, you help provide awareness and knowledge to the general public. You also help fight stigma by showing everyone that your life is just like theirs.

→ Sharing your experience via social media can help you find others going through similar things. You might even be able to inspire others with Tourette’s to embrace themselves and celebrate their lives.

Become a spokesperson

→ Become a spokesperson. You can use your condition to make a difference in the world by being a spokesperson. Get involved in Tourette’s organizations, give talks in your community spreading awareness of the condition, or find another unique way to help remove the stigma. Be proactive in your community or online. Make it your goal to make Tourette’s a condition people understand and know about in your community.

→ For example, people have started non-profits to raise awareness for Tourette’s, posted videos to YouTube, or spoken at schools in their communities.

Method 3 - Managing Your Tourette’s Syndrome

Reduce negative thoughts

→ Reduce negative thoughts. If you have faced negativity and bullying due to Tourette’s, it can be really hard to stay positive. You may not feel like you have anything to celebrate. You may even have placed the stigma on yourself. If you are unable to stop thinking negatively about yourself, go see a counselor or therapist. A counselor may be able to help teach you how to change your thinking so you can be more positive about yourself and live a more fulfilling life.

Use positive self-talk

→ Use positive self-talk. Sometimes, it helps to think positively to help remove your own self-stigmas. Using positive self-talk can help to keep negative thoughts at bay. When you are having negative thoughts, repeat positive words to yourself. Focus on the positive aspects of your life, even the smallest achievements. For example, think words similar to the following:

→ I am a unique, interesting, funny, and caring individual.

→ I have a lot to offer my family and friends. I love and care for them and deserve to be loved and cared for in return.

→ I am creative and a great artist/writer/dancer/gamer/etc.

→ I had a great day at work today and completed all my work ahead of time.

→ Although a stranger laughed at me, I had a great time at the movies with my friends.

→ Although that person was mean to me, I stood up to him and defended myself in a respectful manner.

Ask for help when you need it

→ Ask for help when you need it. Depending on the way your Tourette’s affects you, you may need help with certain things. Some motor function tics, like falling down or hand tics, can cause certain actions to be difficult. Asking people for help is not a bad thing.

→ Not only does it increase the safety of you and others, but it makes your life better. Everyone needs help with certain things, so you should ask for help if you need it.

Learn to adapt

→ Learn to adapt. You know what your tics are better than anyone. Try to find ways to adapt to accommodate your tics. For example, if you have motor function tics in your hands, try to adjust what you carry or how you carry them. If you fall down often, do balance exercises to improve your balance. Adapting can help you make small changes with your tics that may help you.

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