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Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 2, 2019

How to Control Chi

Chi (also known as “Qi” and pronounced “chee”) is a concept that comes from Chinese medicine.[1] Chi is life energy, which is believed to be in everything and everyone in the world.[2] Many people wish to spend time focusing their chi because it is believe to improve health, focus, and well-being.[3] Learning to focus your chi will be an on-going journey.

Method 1 - Focusing Chi Through Movement

Practice Tai Chi

→ Practice Tai Chi. Tai Chi can help you with focusing your Chi. It is a light exercise that uses several movements and breathing to help you focus on your Chi. It is believed to help reduce stress and help with many medical conditions.

Find Tai Chi classes

→ Find Tai Chi classes. There are many videos for practicing Tai Chi on the web. Simply search for “Tai Chi videos” on your favorite search engine. However, if you have never practiced any Tai Chi before, it is perhaps a good idea to visit a Tai Chi instructor to help get you started. You can also call local gyms and yoga studios to see which ones offer Tai Chi classes.

Try out some of the basic movements

→ Try out some of the basic movements. If you aren’t sure whether you would like Tai Chi, or if you feel intimidated to go to a class, you can try out a few of the basic movements first.

→ Begin with your feet at shoulder width. This helps you keep your weight centered. Keep in mind that when practicing Tai Chi, it is extremely important to keep you weight balanced on both of your feet, which when planted on the ground, should stay shoulder width apart.

→ Keep your knees slightly bent. Don’t lock them! Try to position yourself as if you were about to sit down into a chair, which will require your muscles in your legs to engage.

→ Keep your spine straight, but also relaxed. Imagine that each vertebra is floating above the one below it.

→ Touch your tongue to the roof of the mouth gently. This is believed to connect the channels which help chi flow. Thus connecting your entire body.

→ Make a mental connection. This involves mentally thinking about connecting the wrists and ankles, elbows and knees, shoulders with hips.

→ Become aware of your breath. Breathe in a relaxed, normal manner. Follow the inhalation and exhalation, as well as expanding and contraction of your lungs. If you can, belly breathe.

Be present while practicing

→ Be present while practicing. Being present in the moment (rather than constantly thinking about the past or worrying about the future) plays a huge role in Eastern Philosophy. This means that when you are practicing Tai Chi (and in your daily life in general) you should also practice being mindful, or fully present, in the moment. In the case of Tai Chi, you should practice noticing physical and emotional sensations you feel while you are actively practicing.

→ Naturally, your mind may wander. In these instance, you should simply try to notice extraneous thoughts that come into your mind, and then go back to noticing the feelings and sensations you are currently experience. Don’t judge the thought, and try not to follow it.

Keep practicing! The idea behind Tai Chi (and foc

→ Keep practicing! The idea behind Tai Chi (and focusing and developing your Chi in general, is that you are on a journey. Thus, if you really want to use Tai Chi as a method of focusing your Chi, you should practice consistently. You may find benefit if you practice every day for a month, but you will find even more benefit if you practice a few times a week for many years.

Method 2 - Using Chi Breathing Exercises

Practice mindfulness when practicing these breath

→ Practice mindfulness when practicing these breathing exercises. The term “mindfulness” refers to a practice of making a gentle effort to be present in whatever you are currently doing. In this case, this means making an effort to think about the exercise as you are doing it. Think about the way the breath feels as you inhale and exhale.

→ Although your mind will very likely wander to other thoughts, worries, and/or other things you have to get done, just do your best to come back to the present when you notice that it has wandered. Don’t get mad at yourself when this happens.

Find a comfortable position

→ Find a comfortable position. This will be different for everyone. If you find that you are comfortable sitting cross-legged on the floor, do that. If you want to lay down or even stand up, that is fine too. Make sure your clothes are comfortable, and that you are sitting with good posture.

→ Inhale through your nose. Do this as you normally would, don’t make it deeper or more shallow.

→ Exhale slowly. Instead of out your nose, exhale out of your mouth as much as you can. Try to get all of the air out of your lungs.

→ Breathe in through your nose. You will find this very refreshing as their was no air in your lungs, but try to breathe normally. Don’t take a very deep breath, but instead take a breath as you normally would.

→ Repeat the process of inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Do this as many times as you like. It will help refresh you and make you more alert. However, if you feel dizzy, try taking a break or making your exhalations slower.

Practice belly breathing

→ Practice belly breathing. In Eastern medicine it is believed that breathing low in the belly is better than using the shoulders to breathe.

→ Lie down on your back. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to do this no matter whether you are sitting, laying down, or standing. However, it’s good to start in this position so you know how it should feel.

→ Rest one of your hands low on your belly, beneath your belly button with a flat, open hand. Take a few normal breaths to relax.

→ Take a deep breath, and then forcefully exhale. The point here is to try and push your hand up with your belly during the exhalation. Your hips and back should not move. Repeat this step until you get the hang of moving your hand using only your breathing.

Breathe in a square

→ Breathe in a square. This may sound strange, but it will help you to experience what chi feels like. It involves breaking your inhalation and exhalation down into 4 parts.

→ Begin by sitting in a peaceful, relaxed position. If you choose to sit up, make sure you have good posture.

→ Take a few breaths to relax. If you have mastered belly breathing, then do that. However, if you have not, just breathe normally for a few breaths to relax.

→ Choose an amount of time for your breaths. A good place to start is 5 seconds for inhalation and 5 seconds for exhalation. You can add or subtract time from this if you need.

→ Breathe in for the amount of time you have chosen (i.e. 5 seconds), then spend 5 seconds without inhaling or exhaling (don’t tense up your body here!). Follow this with 5 seconds of slowly exhaling, and another 5 seconds where you stop exhaling and don’t inhale either.

→ Focus on the experience of continually breathing in a square. The feeling you get from this is chi.

Method 3 - Focusing Chi Through Meditation

Search for videos or apps

→ Search for videos or apps. If you have never practiced meditation before, you can search the web for videos or for apps for your smart phone that can guide you through a meditation session.

→ If you choose to use a video to guide you, skim through several videos to see if you enjoy the tempo of the guidance, the length, and the content of the guidance. You don’t have to listen to the whole thing before you start, but try to look for a guided meditation for beginners as these will be much shorter and include much more verbal guidance.

Avoid eating for at least half an hour before med

→ Avoid eating for at least half an hour before meditating. A full belly can make you sleepy and weigh you down. When meditating, you want to be awake, but relaxed.

Find a quiet place to meditate

→ Find a quiet place to meditate. If you can find a nearly silent place to meditate, this is best.

→ If you wish, you can use music to help you focus in your meditation. However, be sure to use music that is suitable for Chi meditation. If you don’t have any such music, you can search sites like YouTube for videos that play the correct music. Simply search for “Chi meditation music” (or try “Qi meditation music”), and you should find suitable music.

Find a comfortable, seated position

→ Find a comfortable, seated position. If you can, sit cross-legged on the floor. If this is not possible for you, sit upright in a chair with your feet planted flat on the floor.

Rest your hands lightly on your lap

→ Rest your hands lightly on your lap. Your hands should rest with your palms facing upwards either on each leg or with your left hand cradling your right hand just below your navel. If you choose the latter, have your thumbs gently touching each other.

Keep your spine straight

→ Keep your spine straight. This can be challenging at first, but try not to slouch. Instead, practice sitting with your spine straight.

→ While you should try to keep your spine straight, you should not feel tense. Thus, try to keep a straight, but relaxed position.

Relax your gaze

→ Relax your gaze. You can choose to gently close your eyes, or keep your eyes open. Either way, begin by resting your gaze in front of you, not focusing too hard on anything in particular.

Become aware of your physical and emotional feeli

→ Become aware of your physical and emotional feelings. Notice the way your body feels as it rests on the floor or chair, and take note of the thoughts and emotions you are feeling at this moment.

Become aware of your breathing

→ Become aware of your breathing. Notice your breathe. Notice the way it feels as you inhale in through the nose (e.g. Is the air cold? Is one nostril more open than the other?) and then notice how it feels as you exhale (e.g. Is the air warmer? Does the air come out slowly or forcefully?).

→ As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in good energy. As you breathe out, imagine that you are breathing out toxins and bad energy.


→ Be consistent with whichever method you choose to help focus your chi. It is a journey that should continue throughout your life if you are serious about it.

→ Consider combining two or three of these methods for best results.

→ There are many, many kinds of meditation you can practice. The one described in this article is a Buddhist meditation, but you can practice other kinds such as mindfulness, loving kindness meditations, transcendental meditation, etc.


→ Be patient with yourself in these practices. For many, they can be very challenging, especially at first. Remember that these are called “practices” because you must continually practice in order to become better at focusing your Chi.

→ If you are pregnant, elderly, or suffering from an injury to joints or muscles, consult a physician before engaging in Tai Chi. Generally, it is safe for everyone, but certain movements might cause problems so it is important to talk with your doctor first.

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