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Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 12, 2018

How to Naturally Increase Oxytocin Levels

Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that helps you engage in positive social interactions. Specifically, increases in oxytocin suppress the area of your brain that processes fear and anxiety. Positive conversation and physical contact may be two of the easiest ways to give yourself an oxytocin boost. While the effects of oxytocin are still being studied, oxytocin may help you develop and maintain strong social bonds by encouraging intimacy, trust, and other components of a healthy relationship.[1]

Method 1 - Boosting Oxytocin With Intimacy

Tell people that you care about them

→ Tell people that you care about them. Say things like “I love you” to those you care about more often. Oxytocin not only contributes to feelings of empathy and compassion (two key components of love), it is also boosted when you verbally express these sentiments.

→ Similarly, tell friends and others in your life that you appreciate them by saying things like, "I'm really glad we met" or "It's great to have you in my life."

→ Statements such as these will often lead to positive exchanges that give you both an increase in oxytocin.

Give plenty of hugs

→ Give plenty of hugs. Touch of all sorts releases oxytocin into your brain, but different types of touch give bigger boosts. Hugs are especially powerful oxytocin boosters, especially when you're hugging someone you care about. Accordingly, get in the habit of hugging any loved ones you live with every day.

→ When meeting people in informal situations, consider suggesting a hug instead of a handshake. There is a considerable difference in the amount of oxytocin each of these acts will release.

→ Massages are another way to boost oxytocin through touch. Hire a massage therapist or ask a loved one to give you a massage.

Have sex with someone you care about

→ Have sex with someone you care about. Hugging is great, but an orgasm will usually give you an especially potent boost of oxytocin. While this is generally true for women, men are more likely to get an oxytocin boost from an orgasm when they're having sex with someone they love.

Imagine physical contact

→ Imagine physical contact. Simply imagining physical contact such as hugging or cuddling someone can give you a boost in oxytocin. This will be more effective when you imagine touching someone you have a physical and loving relationship with.

Method 2 - Increasing Oxytocin Socially

Practice active listening

→ Practice active listening. Make eye contact during conversation and otherwise give your full attention to the person you are speaking with. Keep your phone out of sight, square your body towards the person you are listening to, and indicate that you are listening with nonverbal cues like nodding.

Give compliments and encouragement

→ Give compliments and encouragement. When you receive positive comments, you get an immediate oxytocin boost. In fact, any sentiments associated with giving or receiving love and admiration will increase your oxytocin levels. Meanwhile, people tend to exchange positive sentiments with those who feel favorably about them.

→ Get in the habit of saying positive things to other people when they come to mind.

→ Not only will you give them an oxytocin boost, you’ll make them feel more comfortable speaking affectionately towards you as well.

Engage positively with others online

→ Engage positively with others online. People are increasingly using online tools such as social media websites to interact with one another. While it’s important to balance online interaction with face-to-face interaction, you can get a boost in oxytocin by exchanging pleasantries online.

→ Next time you get on Facebook, for instance, make a point of liking at least ten things, and make a handful of positive, friendly comments on friends’ posts.

Eat with other people

→ Eat with other people. Eating with another person is a proven way to bond. It can also calm you down, and provide the opportunity for conversation. Ideally, invite someone to join you for lunch or dinner and offer to cover the tab. Giving and receiving also boost oxytocin levels.

Method 3 - Raising Oxytocin Levels in Other Ways

Think positively of others while meditating

→ Think positively of others while meditating. Aside from countless other health benefits associated with meditation, you can give yourself an oxytocin boost by focusing on positive thoughts about someone. To do so, sit down somewhere quiet and free of distraction. Close your eyes and simply think complimentary or hopeful things about one person in particular.

→ You may even want to focus on one mantra, such as “Sebastian is wonderful.” Simply repeat this thought to yourself over and over, while pushing away any other thoughts that arise.

Cuddle with a pet

→ Cuddle with a pet. The oxytocin boosts associated with physical contact are not limited to contact with other humans. In fact, another sure fire way to increase your oxytocin levels is by petting a dog.

→ Always ask before petting a stranger's dog, of course. Note that you may find yourself talking to the person as well - you are more likely to have positive social interactions with the people around you when a dog is around.

Share an adrenaline rush with someone

→ Share an adrenaline rush with someone. You can get massive oxytocin spikes by participating in moderately stressful activities. This is especially true when you share such an experience with other people. Classic examples include activities like riding a roller coaster or skydiving.

→ By experiencing something exhilarating together, you are quickly bonded to those around you. This occurs in part because of a flood of oxytocin released by your brain after an activity that feels dangerous.

→ In fact, any sort of “adventure” with someone else can boost both of your oxytocin levels. Even a walk around the block with someone will have positive effects on your brain chemistry, as well as your feelings towards one another.

Listen to soothing music or comedy

→ Listen to soothing music or comedy. If you’re on your own and looking for an oxytocin boost, audio can help. Whether you choose relaxing music or something that will get you laughing, both will positively affect your brain chemistry. Furthermore, you’ll be more willing to interact with others after listening to something funny or relaxing.

Donate or volunteer

→ Donate or volunteer. Giving time or money to another person or organization can boost your oxytocin too. In short, being more generous will wind up making you feel more appreciated. Positive feedback loops form when people work together for a common interest and are grateful for one another's contributions.

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